Read on to learn about the different kinds of bongs and how they work to find the right one for your budget and needs here.
About 200 million people smoke pot around the world. Learning about these 7 different kinds of bongs will inspire you to join that population ASAP if you haven’t already.
Globally speaking, cannabis use increased by 60% over this past decade. Now that more people are smoking pot than ever, it’s important to educate yourself about the types of bongs available to you.
It’s better to educate yourself about bongs remain mostly ignorant about them. Furthermore, bongs are pieces of art that take your smoking game to the next level. That kind of creativity alone deserves more attention than it gets.
Here are 7 types of bongs and how they work:
1. Glass Bong
Many cannabis experts agree that the best type of bong is made out of glass. Hits from glass bongs are clean and pure because glass doesn’t affect the smoke’s taste.
To take a glass bong rip, fill up the bowl with weed, then inhale. As you inhale, light the weed and draw the smoke up the bong’s chamber/length. Once that’s full, take the bowl off of the slide and inhale deeply so all the smoke rushes into your lungs.
Because glass bongs are usually transparent, you can see how much smoke you’re inhaling. This makes it easier to tell how many doses you’ve had. Being able to see resin build-up also makes it easier to clean.
The best glass bongs are made out of scientific glass. Scientific glass refers to borosilicate glass, a glass type that doesn’t react to temperature changes. This means scientific bongs are less likely to break due to temperature changes.
2. Percolator Bong
Percolator bongs are bongs with percolators built into them. A percolator is a piece of glass that disperses smoke before it passes through the water and causes a bubbling effect. (“Percolate” means “bubble.”)
Dispersing the smoke helps it cool faster and filter better, resulting in smooth hits. Filtering the smoke through bubbles removes toxins and carcinogens you’d otherwise be inhaling.
You’re in luck if a percolator bong has a perc chamber. Additional perc chambers improve airflow and the size of your hits.
3. Gravity Bong
Out of all the different types of bongs in existence, the gravity bong delivers the biggest hit. Gravity bongs only require a bucket, water, the top half of a soda 2-liter soda bottle, and a slide or smoking device.
Tinfoil will do if you don’t have anything else to smoke the weed with. However, please know that inhaling tinfoil fumes isn’t healthy on a long-term basis.
There are 2 main types of gravity bongs: the bucket and waterfall varieties. Learn how to make both versions of the best gravity bong here.
Warning: Gravity bong hits are bigger than other bong hits. It only takes one gravity bong hit to send a newbie to the moon. Even experienced cannabis users “feel something” from ripping a gravity bong, so be careful!
4. Homemade Bong
The homemade bong is one of the more popular types of bongs because they’re easy to make. Stoners have been turning their art project vases and scientific beakers into bongs for as long as cannabis has been around. Classic ceramic bongs are often DIY for this reason.
If you’re turning a ceramic or glass piece into a bong, always use the proper type of drill for each respective material. A 1/2 to 3/4″ diamond drill will work for regular glass and ceramic pieces.
After you’ve drilled a hole, you’ll need an independent slide to put into it. It should come with a bong bowl. The best bowl/side combination must always be proportionate to the bong.
Feel free to take creative liberties when making a homemade bong. Remember: It’s art!
5. Bubbler
A bubbler is the portable version of a bong. Some look like pipes while others look exactly like miniature bongs, complete with slides and all. Bubblers are usually made from glass, which is a big bonus, and operate as other bongs do.
Get a bubbler if you want a bong that doesn’t take up much space. Their size makes them easier to store and clean.
Don’t let a bubbler’s small size fool you: Bubblers pack a powerful punch. Ripping certain bubbles could have you coughing up a fit in no time.
Even though bubblers don’t often have percolators, percolator bubblers do exist on the market. They’re just rare in comparison to other bubblers.
6. Zong
Unlike other bong types, a zong is zigzagged. That’s why it’s called a zong instead of a bong. Zongs have the shape of a Z to varying degrees because it offers advantages over other shapes.
The zong bong works just a regular glass bong, but delivers a bigger hit. You just have to draw the smoke further up the chamber to get it. Watching the smoke zigzag through the piece is almost as entertaining as smoking out of it.
A zong’s Z section serves as its own ice catch. It also causes the smoke to cool, making each hit smoother as a result.
7. Silicone Bong
Compared to other bong styles, silicone bongs are mostly unbreakable and very durable. If you’re a klutz, this is the best bong for you! They function like regular bongs, but you can’t see how big of a hit you’re getting like you can with glass bongs.
Silicone’s softness and durability make these bongs great for traveling. Just take out the bowl/slide before folding up a silicone bong for transport.
While silicone bongs are hard to customize, they often come with extra features. For instance, they come in different colors. There are even glow-in-the-dark silicone bongs out there!
Fun fact: You can clean most silicone bongs in the dishwasher.
Live it Up: Try Different Kinds of Bongs
According to a recent poll, about 12% of Americans smoke marijuana. Different kinds of bongs will become more popular as weed becomes more mainstream.
On average, more men smoke weed than women. However, all genders can benefit from smoking marijuana, so it’s time for more people to realize that.
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