If you are just starting out your website or blog, you could easily end up paying a large sum of money on web hosting that you do not have to. The same goes for if your contract with a web hosting company is coming to a stop soon and you need to have the contract renewed, but they are asking you to pay full price for the renewal.
There is no need to worry though because if you do your research, then you will end up saving money instead of spending even more. Looking at various reviews for web hosting companies will give you an idea on which one to choose according to the services you are looking for as well as your budget. One HostGator review – $0.01/mo Exclusive deal gives a fully detailed review about the benefits as well as the disadvantages of the web host. Therefore, you make sure that you are aware of all of your options when picking that webhost. Here are some other tips on how to save some money on web hosting.
1. Free Hosts
If your website is new, meaning that you will not be getting a lot of foot traffic, especially in the very beginning, there is no point in spending a ton of money on a web hosting company when you can get a host for your website for free. Having to search free hosts will not be a big hassle, but you might not be getting the best quality because after all the service will be totally free. If your website grows or more people start visiting it, then you can get a contract with a webhost which you have to pay for.
2. Shared hosting plan
Another way to save on web hosting costs is to buy into a shared hosting plan. These kinds of plans are designed for people who are just beginning or do not have many people visiting their websites. If you invest in one of these plans you will be paying some money, but not as much as getting a separate plan only for yourself.
3. Promotional codes
Wait for a promotional code. Never go into a web hosting contract paying full price because you will end up spending a lot of money on something you can get for way less. Not only do webhosts have many promotional codes for you to use as a way to get more clients, but they also have referral codes in which you can use the code to get others to join and both of you get a discount. You could also wait for seasonal discounts or discounts given on holidays in general.
4. Long term is best
When you are signing a contract for the first time with a certain webhost, it is better to sign a longer term contract than it is to sign a short term one. This is because it is very rare to get discounts on renewals so it is better to get as much out of a discount or promotion as possible during the first time around.
5. Changing webhosts
If you did not sign a long term contract and the contract is almost up, you can save a bit of money by changing webhosts. Changing webhosts will allow you to save money because you will be able to use discounts or other promotional codes when signing the new contract with another webhost. You could also sign a longer term contract with the new webhost you will be using so that you do not have to constantly change your webhost.
Save a ton on web hosting
If you follow these simple tips you are sure to have a lot of your money that you would have otherwise sent on web hosting. In the end, you should try as hard as you can not to pay full price for any web hosting service because chances are, if you try hard enough you will not have to.