When it comes to getting cash fast, some people turn to credit cards. But another popular tool is personal loans. In fact, they are so popular that 34 percent of Americans have taken out a personal loan in the last year. If you've been considering . . .
Making a Splash: 9 Cool Swimming Pools You Can Replicate at Home
When the weather heats up, there's nothing like taking a dip in your backyard swimming pool. That said, not all pools are equal. Your typical concrete hole in the ground will get the job done -- but they aren't the most thrilling additions to your . . .
Sports Gear That Leaves Some Cash for Tickets: How to Find Affordable Team Apparel
Being a modern-day sports fan doesn't come cheap. You've got to be willing to fork over a hefty chunk of change if you want to see your team in action. In the last decade, ticket prices have soared, leaving many fans in the dust. In 2011, a family . . .
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