Staying home during the pandemic can be stressful, overwhelming, and downright boring. While riding a bike seems like the perfect solution to the pandemic blues, you may be concerned about safety in the time of Covid-19. Biking is not only a great option for fresh air and exercise while trying to socially distance, but it is also a smart way to boost your mood when the pandemic gets you down. Before you put on your helmet and hop on a city bicycle, however, you may want to brush up on your biking etiquette to keep you and other people safe. These tips can remind you and your fellow cyclists of the importance of good biking manners.
With less traffic on the roads as more people work from home, some drivers and bikers have taken a lax approach to accident prevention. First and foremost any time you hit the streets should be safety. Wearing a helmet, using a light, opting for brightly colored clothing that is easily seen, and always signaling are basics of biking safety. Do not forget that sharing the road is a responsibility for everyone, not just vehicle operators.
Incorporate Virus Prevention
At this point, most people realize that they need to mask up when they go out, and cyclists are no exception. Be sure to have a mask with you whenever you leave home, especially if you ride in a city or town where masks are mandatory. You should also have hand sanitizer or wipes with you in case you stop or interact with other people during your ride. Check with your favorite shop that has biking accessories and beach cruiser bikes for sale for any small kits or storage options to take these pandemic essentials with you when you ride.
Monitor Your Interactions
Prior to the pandemic, were you in a cycling club or group for longer rides or challenging trails? You may want to wait before riding in a pack right now. Limit the size of your group and keep a safe distance from other cyclists when you take a trail, path, or lane. If the area you like to ride is crowded with others, skip it for now and try again when it is less packed.
Sanitize After Your Ride
One of the reasons it may be tricky to find electric bikes for sale right now is that city bikes may not be the best option in a pandemic. Whether you are cycling on your own equipment or using shared bicycles, you should add time after your ride to sanitize any surfaces that are frequently touched. A good workout can leave you sweaty and breathing heavily, and all those droplets can be potential biohazards. Clean up after yourself, even on your own bike, to prevent virus transmission. Also, if you spit or clear your sinuses when you bike, be courteous to others by refraining from using the ground as your receptacle.
Hopefully, biking and other activities may feel closer to normal as you leave your house more often, but remember, it takes cooperation from everyone to minimize the risk and spread of Covid. A little cycling civility can go a long way towards keeping everyone safe.