Digital technology is a constantly changing industry with new threats emerging every day. Hackers are finding new ways to exploit systems, and so there must be just as many cyber security roles as there are systems. There needs to be somebody protecting every facet of the internet to make it usable.
Otherwise, hackers would have access to databases of company information and could sell it to malicious actors. They could steal people’s identities, or even hijack accounts and pose as them online. The internet is a dangerous, wild place and cyber security professionals are the only ones protecting its legitimate users.
If you want to protect the internet, keep reading below to learn which cyber security role is right for you!
1. Security Engineers Protect Hardware and IT Systems
Security engineers are the most basic kind of cyber security professional, simply because they work at the most basic levels of digital systems. They’re not concerned with software or transmission protocols. Instead, they like to get into the nuts and bolts of systems — literally.
They make sure that can’t people can’t exploit hardware components to get access to sensitive systems. They’re concerned with making sure the wires that connect systems across buildings are secure, and that access systems into different rooms are operational. It’s they’re job to make sure only trustworthy people use hardware systems.
People Can Be More Dangerous Than Viruses
Letting the wrong person use sensitive systems can have devastating consequences. If they have malicious intentions, they may be able to upload dangerous code into core systems, jeopardizing everything the system is connected to. And if they don’t know what they’re doing, they can break your IT system.
It’s usually the security engineer’s job to make sure only qualified people have access to important systems, to avert crises at core levels.
2. Protect Whole Networks With the Right Certificates
Networks are what the internet is built out of, literally. People depend on them to communicate with each other, and with the companies that they bank with, shop with, and depend on. Those networks need to be protected from hackers trying to steal the information sent within them.
To do that, you need a variety of cyber security certifications to understand the protocols and hardware that make networks possible. Once you’re certified though, you can start protecting the most important part of the internet.
3. To Protect Against Hackers, You Must Become (An Ethical) One
The only way to know if your system is secure is to try to break into yourself, and that’s what ethical hackers are for. These are people who are certified to have the same skill level as actual hackers. Yet, they’re also certified to have your best interests in mind as they try to break into your systems.
If they find a vulnerability, they will report it and suggest ways to improve security. And if you want to become an ethical hacker, there are several courses you can take on pen-testing, reverse engineering, and other hacking techniques.
There Are Tons of Cyber Security Roles
Cyber security is one of the most in-demand fields in the world right now. Without cyber security professionals, the internet will only get less secure and the entire economy will slow down as people trust it less. And there are lots of cyber security roles to be filled.
Start your career in cyber security by learning all there is to it and reading up on technology. And the easiest way to read up on cyber security and technology is to stay on our website and keep reading here!