If you’re looking to increase your social media following, simply continue reading to discover a variety of innovative social media tips, which will help you increase your social media following.
7 Social Media Tips Which Will Increase Your Following:
Be selective about the times which you post
It’s well worth posting between 8 am and 9 am in the morning and 11am-1pm in the afternoon when individuals are scrolling social media on the way to work or during their lunch break. If you want your posts to stand out, you may also want to consider posting first thing in the morning as fewer users post first thing in the morning, so your posts are far more likely to attract attention.
Make sure to use an eye-catching image, to promote your posts
Individuals are far more likely to stop and read a post on Twitter or Facebook if it’s accompanied by an attention-grabbing image.
Link your followers from one social media site to another
One way to increase your viewership base is to consistently link your viewers to your various social media accounts. As an example, you may want to include a shortened link to a Facebook post on Twitter. As ideally, you’ll want as many of your followers, to follow you on all of your social media accounts as possible.
Use hash-tags sparingly
Nothing puts individuals off following a user than being bombarded by a wall of hash-tags. As it’s obvious that a user who posts too many hash-tags is more concerned about being internet famous than providing quality content. Instead use 2-3 trending hash-tags, which will garner positive attention.
Engage with your audience
One of the simplest ways to attract new followers is to engage in conversation with your followers, on a regular basis. As an example, you may want to ask your followers a question in order to promote engagement with your posts. As if new individuals come across your posts and see that you actively talk with your followers, they’ll be far more likely to follow your account.
Post quality content on a regular basis
No matter how savvy you are when it comes to marketing your social media accounts, if you constantly post junk, you’ll start to lose followers, in the blink of an eye. The key to succeeding on social media is to post quality content, which provides value to your followers, on a regular schedule. It’s well worth getting into the habit of posting at the same time each day, in order to build a consistent following.
Consider scheduling your posts in advance
Did you know that you can use special software to automatically post pre-created posts at set times. If you lead a busy, hectic lifestyle or travel on a frequent basis it’s well worth experimenting which such software. Such software is also a godsend if you’d like to attract international followers as you’ll be able to publish new posts, without having to wake up in the middle of the night.
So if you’re serious about increasing your social media following, it’s well worth following the invaluable social media tips listed above. For more tips visit this Technology Blog.