If you’re interested in learning about some of the key advantages of using the CARAPACE Job-Ready Pipe and Heating Cable System, simply continue reading. As you’ll quickly discover why so many individuals and businesses who require high quality, freeze protection systems put their faith in it.
A guide to the CARAPACE Job-Ready Pipe and Heating Cable System:
It features protected, patented technology:
It stands out from its competition as its design and construction has been legally patented. In order to stop rival companies from trying to pass off CARAPACE’s innovative technology and solutions as their own. Which is proof that CARAPACE is an industry leader and provides products which boast the latest technology.
It has been designed for rural use and city use:
Regardless of whether you’re looking for reliable freeze protection for pipes and cables in a rural environment or an urban landscape, you’re in luck. As the CARAPACE system has been designed for rural use and city use. Better yet, it can be used in dirt installations as well as in air installations.
It has been designed to be used in conduction with traditional insulation and thermostat controls:
The most effective way to prevent your polyethylene pipes and cables from freezing, is to use CARAPACE’s Job-Ready Pipe Heating Cable System, in conduction with high quality insulation and a thermostat control. In fact, doing so will actually increase your energy efficiency.
It is a cost effective solution:
It’s well worth investing in such a system, instead of spending an exorbitant amount of money on blasting or excavating built up frost or ice. Both of which can seriously decrease the longevity of your land’s pipe and cable infrastructure.
It’s highly portable and a breeze to install:
When it comes to ordering equipment and materials, it’s a wise idea to opt for resources which are portable and easy to move. Especially if you plan on using a pipe and heating cable system on a large plot of land and need to place your system in the ground. Luckily CARAPACE’s popular system is extremely portable and is far lighter than many of its competitors’ antifreeze cable and pipe systems.
You don’t need an electrician to install your antifreeze system:
You’ll be able to save yourself a lot of money if you opt for the CARAPACE antifreeze system as it doesn’t require a qualified electrician to install. Instead it’s a job ready, plug in unit which features CGGI protection. So if your focus is to get your antifreeze system installed within a short deadline, it’s well worth opting to use CARAPACE’s highly rated system. As you’ll be able to plug it in and set it up, yourself.
It offers a 5 year warranty:
While it offers an impressive 5 year warranty, you’ll also have the option of extending your warranty in order to enjoy a 10 year warranty.
It’s available in custom lengths:
You’ll be able to request a length which suits your specific project.
So if you’re looking for an effective, competitively priced antifreeze solution for your pipes and cables, you simply can’t go wrong opting for CARAPACE’s Job-Ready Pipe and Heating Cable System. Especially if you’re interested in selecting one of the best Freeze Protection Systems available.
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