With technology omnipresent these days, kids are distracted at school more often. How do you get their engagement with the educator rather than their mobile devices? The answer lies in the technology itself.
Combining Premier Wireless Solutions and Instructional Technology, you can bring classroom engagement up. Despite the obstacles, young teachers recognize the need to use these tools to teach their students. Let’s take a look at some of these new tools, and what they can do for education.
Tablets and Smartphones
Smartphones and tablets are the most used platforms people use to communicate and locate information. With special technology, you can use these devices to help with classroom engagement. This can take the form of custom apps or special phone and tablet models.
A mobile hotspot from Premier Wireless Solutions provides you with a secure classroom network and apps designed for educators. It can connect to your educational facility’s preferred learning tools. Your educational facility’s logo can be added to the interface for branding purposes.
E-Textbooks and Media
Your classroom can enjoy e-Textbooks in many ways. They are a cost-effective and often interactive way to bring engagement up. An added bonus is that e-Textbooks are good for the environment.
They are also a friendly alternative to high-priced and underused traditional textbooks. This will save your students money. It will also bring your institution’s reputation up!
Educational video presentations allow for motivational videos for students, sample media, and other tools to help your students stay on top of class assignments. Live video can help add extra interactivity to your class and keep your students invested. This is great for on-the-go learning, giving students an advantage with extra-curricular studies.
Massive Open Online Courses
Massive Open Online Courses or MOOCs are courses delivered online and accessible to all for free. This type of digital presentation for learning can help bring education to places it would be otherwise hard for students to access. It can also be used for continuing education for adults.
Augmented and Virtual Reality
Augmented reality is using technology to superimpose information on the world we see. Think Pokemon Go or the interfaces from the movies Iron Man and Minority Report. This can be used to great effect when on field trips to museums or other places of cultural importance.
Virtual reality, consisting of computer-generated environments, can bring the museums or landmarks to the students. This would save money on extensive field trips or other activities. Imagine giving your history students a virtual tour of the Louvre or Stonehenge!
Premier Wireless Solutions
Premier Wireless Solutions can help you take your engagement level to the stratosphere. Your students can access their specific classroom learning apps all in a way that they already are familiar with. Like any phone, you can turn on the “hot spot” feature on the device to allow for connecting Chromebooks as needed.
Bring out your student’s potential. Check out Premier’s Smart Hotspot and Smarter Hotspot for your classroom today.