Are you a firearm enthusiast? Are you a hunter, competition shooter, or just a backyard target shooter with a collection of guns at home?
If so, then you probably love your gun collection and would hate to lose them. Whether through theft or misplacement in the field, it’s always possible to lose a gun.
In the past, you would’ve been out of luck, unless someone happened to find your gun using a gun tracker serial number. But today, you can use a GPS gun tracker to monitor the location of your firearms at all times.
If you value your firearm collection, if you have a very expensive gun, or if you just want to ensure public safety, you should consider using a GPS tracker for guns.
Wondering what exactly a gun tracker is and why you should use one? Keep reading for all the info you need on tracking firearms.
Types of Gun Trackers
When you research gun trackers, you are going to find different types of trackers available. Depending on your goal, a tracker can mean something completely different.
One type of gun tracker is an app you can use on your smartphone. These trackers allow you to keep track of data, such as how many rounds were fired during a shooting session or when the last time you cleaned your gun was.
You can also add notes such as how accurate or consistent your gun fired with a certain type of round. This is especially helpful if you have multiple guns that you use on a regular basis.
With apps like these, you’ll be able to keep track of all the important information without having to use a pencil and paper, or relying on your own memory. They’ll also help you become a better shooter.
You can also use a gun price tracker, which is a piece of software you can use online to monitor the price of a gun you want to buy. It can track the prices across many different websites, alerting you whenever there is a price drop so you can buy it for less.
But there are other trackers available for guns as well, such as GPS trackers. If you value your guns and want to keep them, and other people, safe, you should invest in a gun tracker.
Why Tracking Guns Is Important
Want to know something crazy? Out of all the guns in the world, US citizens own a majority of them. That’s right, Americans love guns. Whether it’s for personal safety and home protection or hunting to put food on the table, owning guns is quite the norm in America.
Many firearm enthusiasts have dozens of guns stored in the home. The problem with this, though, is that theft is common.
When thieves break into a home, one of the most important things they look for is firearms. They are extremely valuable to resell, making them a ton of money.
In fact, more than 200,000 guns are stolen each year, both from residences and stores. Stolen guns lead to higher crime rates.
Therefore, protecting your own gun collection is not only in your best interest, but it’s in the interest of public safety. A GPS gun tracker can help authorities track down stolen guns, giving you your assets back while also preventing future crime.
What Is a Gun Tracker?
So what exactly is a gun tracker, and how do they work? They work much like any other GPS tracking device.
They are small devices installed either in the gun itself or on the storage case. As it moves, you can track its location either online or through an app on your smartphone. Higher quality trackers offer real-time updates, so you always know where your goods are being taken.
Depending on the tracker you use, you may be able to set up notifications that alert you when your gun is taken outside a designated area, so you can take immediate action.
Some services cost a few dollars per month to use, while others might be free, though lacking in some areas. Research the best option for you to keep your guns, and your community, safe.
When to Use a Gun Tracker
Guns are most at risk when they are stored at home and when they are in transport. Obviously, no one will know there are guns in your car.
But you shouldn’t leave them in your vehicle for any extended periods of time. They should only be in your car when you are driving to or from the shooting range or the hunting field.
If you did need to leave guns in your car for any period of time, this is a great time to ensure a gun tracker is installed. It’s also best to keep them on guns that are stored at home.
Since most people leave their homes vacant during the day, this is the time when most theft occurs. Thieves will definitely target homes that are guaranteed to have guns.
If you have targets visible in your yard, stickers such as NRA on your vehicle, and so forth, you will make yourself more of a target. Definitely use a pistol tracker or rifle tracker in these instances.
Other Gun Safety Tips
What else can you do to keep your gun collection safe? It’s quite easy, actually.
For one, keep your collection a secret. Don’t display gun ownership to the public. That means vehicle decals, shirts, signs at your home, targets in the yard, etc. If your house doesn’t look like it has guns, you are lowering your chance of theft.
Also, keep them locked up. Invest in a large gun safe that you can mount to the wall. Keep it in a hard-to-find location, such as in the basement or utility room.
Keep it locked at all times. It’s very rare that a thief would be able to move an entire loaded gun safe out of your home.
Enjoying Peace of Mind
Now that you know everything there is to know about using a gun tracker, it’s time to pick one up for yourself. They make your life more convenient and give you peace of mind knowing that if a gun was stolen, you can report it to the authorities and prevent future crime.
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