Being a soldier is not walk in the park, and it’s something that takes a lot of pride, dedication, and a lot of courage too. With that being said, soldiers don’t go into the field empty handed. Your average soldier can carry up to 100 pounds of gear or more on their body, and this includes the feet too. Yes, army combat boots are something which every single last soldier needs to have. However, they can be pretty uncomfortable to wear, especially when they are brand new. How to break in combat boots is what you are about to find out right here.
Method #1 – The Wet Method to Break in Combat Boots Fast
One of the easiest and fastest ways to quickly break in combat boots so they are comfortable and ready for use at a moment’s notice, without being rock solid and causing you blisters, is the wet soak method. Now, we do have to say that while you are breaking them in using this method, it’s not exactly comfortable, but it only takes a day to complete, and by the time the day is up, the boots should be fully broken in. If you don’t mind having wet feet for a day, which as a soldier you really shouldn’t, the wet break-in method is the fastest. Let’s figure out how to do this.
- Get your army combat boots and put them in the tub, a bucket, or even just your kitchen sink
- Turn the tap on and fill the boots with water until they are full to the top
- Empty that water out of the boots
- Now it is time to for you to put on 2 pairs of socks, fairly thick socks. You want to wear 2 pairs of socks inside of the wet combat boots, because as leather dries, it shrinks quite a bit. Having 2 pairs of socks on will stop them from shrinking too much, and will therefore leave you with some much needed wiggle room
- Put the wet boots on over your double layer of socks and wear them for a full day. Yes, it’s a bit uncomfortable, but it is the fastest way to get the job done
- Remove the insoles from the boots and lay them down somewhere to dry, and put the boots outdoors or in front of an air fan until they are totally dry.
Method #2 – The Dry Break-In Method
This is a method for breaking in your tactical combat boots if you would rather not get them wet, or if they are not allowed to get wet for whatever reason. Now, this dry break-in method is not as fast or as effective as the wet method, but it does still work well enough. Let’s figure out how to break in your army combat boots the dry way. Keep in mind that this method is best if you have a couple weeks to break in your boots before you really need to use them, as it does take some time.
Start by wearing your boots for an hour each day for a few days, and simply increase the amount of time you wear the boots for each day until they get comfortable enough to wear for a full day. This is not rocket science and there is not much to it, but it does take time, and it may be a bit uncomfortable, especially for the first few days.
A tip to make your feet a bit more comfortable while doing this, and to help prevent blisters is to wear nylon socks underneath a thicker pair of socks. You can also apply something like moleskin, or just a good band aid, to areas that are prone to blistering, such as at the heel or by your big toes. Also, after the first few days, you should run and train in the boots as much as you can to speed up the process.
There you have it folks, a wet break-in method that is quick and effective, and a dry method that also works just fine, but takes a lot longer to complete. Grab those coolest urban jeans or even a hip wader and flaunt your style. If you have any comments about this post, feel free to post them below or contact us at Lets Be Game Changers!