If you’re in the process of deciding whether or not it would be beneficial in order to purchase a human skeletal model in order to teach your students about the human body, you’ve come to the right place! Simply continue reading to discover some of the ways in which students of all ages can learn from a realistic human skeletal model.
How Students can Learn from Human Skeletal Model:
They provide accurate representations of the human body:
The number one reason why human skeletal models are so effective in helping students learn about the human body is that they provide 100% accurate representations of the human body. Which will make it far easier for students to learn about each body part and its function.
It’s also been proven that students retain the knowledge which they pick up about the human body, when their teachers use human skeleton models, far better than students who are taught using 2 dimensional diagrams.
They can teach students about human joints as well as human bones and organs:
While 2D diagrams can teach students about the body’s primary bones and organs, human skeletal models are also able to teach students about human joints.
They are effective learning tools for a variety of different types of students:
Another reason why human skeletal models are useful is that they are effective learning tools for students who have different learning styles. As an example, they are particularly useful for students who are visual learners and who find it easy to process information by reading text or listening to a lecture. As another example, students who learn best by listening to information, will still benefit from having their teacher point to different parts of a human skeletal model while their teacher explains the function of each body part.
It’s far easier to learn about the human body by observing a life size skeleton model:
Students also learn about the human body quickly when they have a life size skeleton model to observe. Especially as the human body features 206 bones and it’s hard to learn about each bone by observing a miniature version of a human skeleton. So if you’re intent on purchasing a skeletal model in order to make it easier for your students to learn about the human body, it’s well worth investing in purchasing a full sized human skeletal model.
Learning about the human body may inspire students to consider pursuing a career in the medical field:
Students who learn about the human body by observing a life size skeleton model may even be inspired to consider pursuing a long term career in the medical field. As an example, your students may want to work towards becoming a doctor, a chiropractor or a physiotherapist. Alternatively some of your students may become interested in pursuing a career as a scientist.
So if you’ve been looking for teaching tools which will help facilitate your students’ understanding of the human body and how it operates, it’s well worth purchasing a realistic human skeleton model.