Modern life can feel like extremely isolating. Through technology and culture, our lives are becoming simultaneously closer and farther apart.
There are ways to get closer to the universe, each other, and ourselves, though. There are even ways to become one with everything. We’re going to talk a little bit about spiritual advancement in this article, hopefully giving you some tool to improve your connection to the world.
How to Become One with Everything
Becoming one with everything is an extremely difficult thing to consciously do. When we talk about “becoming” something, we imply that it is something we are not already.
Hearing someone say that they would like to feel more connected or become one with their environment suggests that a person is disconnected and out of touch with their environment. When starting to improve your internal relationship with the universe, it’s important to realize that you already are one with everything.
Sure, there’s “you” with all of your thoughts and ideas, but that is an illusion. Who you are isn’t necessarily your identity. Who you are is a combination of your parents, their parents, everything you’ve ever eaten, come in contact with, or people you’ve ever learned from.
You are a combination of millions upon millions of things, all of which being combinations of millions of things themselves. As you start to follow that rabbit hole down, you will find that, through connection, every piece of you can be related to every piece of the universe somehow.
Certainly, you can draw a line from you to any person, place, or thing on earth. As you move out into the universe, the number of connections waver, although they are still there.
Our point with all of this is that in order to become consciously aware of your oneness with everything, you have to understand that your body is already way ahead of you. The trick is getting your mind to follow.
Getting There in Your Mind
By all accounts, the most direct and effective way to uncover your oneness with the universe is mediation.
Meditation is not necessarily a religious activity, and there is no specific way to do it. Meditation is rooted in religion, although it is a largely secular activity at this point in time.
When it comes to finding oneness, though, Buddhism teaches a methodology that will help you. The process is a matter of releasing your ego, becoming disciplined, and remaining aware of the beauties of life. As you move forward in your practice, you will gain insights that help you understand and feel your oneness.
Need More Help?
Understanding your place in the cosmos is no small feet. The journey requires effort, knowledge, and dedication to practice. Luckily, you’re not the only one who has a hunger to be one with everything.
People have acquired a long line of tools and understanding to help fellow travelers down the path of wisdom. Explore our site to take a look at some new ideas, practices, or pieces of inspiration for your daily life.