Moving to a new city with family and friends can be tough, so definitely moving alone is no easier, you are literally navigating around a strange place all by yourself. As much as you stay connected to family and friends, it will never feel like they are in the new city with you, you are there all by yourself. But you have to remind yourself of why you decided to embark on this journey and keep motivating yourself by reminding yourself of your end goal. At this point, you have made up your mind and you are fully prepared, if you are not yet sure of the essential things to take with you, surf the internet there is a wide array of internet resources that can help you have a smooth transition..
There is a probability that this might be good for you and as unglamorous as hardships are, the move might have a major impact on you, toughen you up and prepare you for any future hurdles you might face. New cities are fun, you get to meet new people, experience new cultures and a totally different place. It is a tough journey but you can do the following to make it easy on you:
Connect with people on social media
If you are an active member of any social media platform, try to look for people that stay in your new city. Search for people in the same vicinity as you and reach out to them. There is a downside to doing this, it is not very advisable to be trusting of strangers or even consider bringing them into your personal space. Another way to go about it is to tell your friends to connect you with people if they know of any.
Attend events
To make things easier for you, you should look for events in your new centre, could be a book launch, a concert, a musical performance or a sporting event. Just make sure you pick something that you happen to care about because you might end up meeting new people and fostering friendships from there. Also, this is another way to ease into the city.
Buy a map of your new city
To be honest you could just use Google map but there is something about moving with the print version. People will identify you as new to the city and in some cases help you find places and give you directions. They all make things easier for you and make you feel welcomed. That map is your key to unlocking places in your new city but it might be the key to unlocking the hearts of people too. Explore your city
Keep in touch with family and friends back home
You could always facetime people back home, it never feels the same as when are with you physically but it is better than nothing. You still get to see faces that are familiar to you and feel less homesick because they make you feel like you never left.
Consider being friends with your classmates and co-worker
You might have made the move to resume a new school or start a new job, whatever the situation might be, try to make friends in these environments to make for an easy transition for you.
You will most likely hate it in the beginning and consider going back home, especially if you moved for reasons that do not involve a job or a school but do not be tempted to do so. Be kind to yourself, you made a bold move leaving your home for a place where you literally know no one and that is such a bold move.