Did you know that more than 60% of people in the United States wear glasses or contact lenses? Based on this information, it’s likely that your child will have vision problems at some point in their life. These problems often start in childhood.
How do you know if your child needs to seek out a family eye care professional for a checkup and a glasses fitting?
While young children aren’t always good at verbalizing their problems, there are a few signs that you can look out for to determine if they’re not seeing correctly. Read on to learn more.
They Have Trouble Concentrating
When a child has difficulty concentrating in school there are several potential culprits. One of these is poor vision.
A child who has a hard time seeing the board or their teacher may struggle to keep up with schoolwork. They won’t be able to track classes as well. Before jumping to more serious conditions, get their eyes checked.
They Squint Their Eyes
Have you noticed that your child squints when they’re trying to look at something? Whether it’s near or far, children shouldn’t have to squint their eyes at most things to interpret them.
Squinting is a sure sign that your child is trying to piece together visual information, but is struggling while doing so. Take them to an eye care center to have their vision checked.
They Rub Their Eyes Often
It’s normal for a child to rub their eyes once in a while. If they’re tired, have allergies, or have an eyelash stuck, this isn’t a cause for concern.
If you notice that they’re rubbing their eyes often, though, this could mean that they’re trying to “correct” their vision without realizing it. This means it’s time to search Google for a “pediatric ophthalmologist near me.”
They Hold Things Close to Their Face
A child with good vision shouldn’t need to hold their books, games, or tablets close to their eyes in order to use them. While the occasional close-up look isn’t a cause for concern if you notice that it’s happening all the time it may indicate that your child is having trouble seeing.
They Sit Close to the Television
We all know that sitting too close to the television isn’t uncommon for children (and we’ve all likely been told by our own parents in childhood that we should move away from the TV!), but they may be doing it because they’re having a hard time seeing.
The first thing that you should do is move your child away from the TV and see how they respond. If they stay away but start to squint or cover one of their eyes, you know that they can’t see the television well enough to enjoy it. Visit the best pediatric clinic to confirm your suspicions.
Does Your Child Need Eye Care?
Don’t panic. It’s normal for your child to need eye care. There are plenty of fun options for glasses for children, so they can continue on with their happy and healthy childhood without missing a beat.
Get your child’s vision taken care of as soon as possible so it doesn’t get worse!
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