Your previously happy teen has suddenly become very sullen. He also seems to be spending a lot of time in his room, or out with friends. You try and put it down to normal teen growing pains, but you cannot help but notice that his behavior is becoming odder every day.
Noticing these symptoms can be quite difficult. Young people in this age group spend time away from their parents. They also tend to rebel quite a bit, so it can be difficult to pinpoint whether they’re going through the normal teenage years or are taking drugs and alcohol.
Teen alcoholism statistics are staggering. You need to pay close attention to your kids and watch out for some of the following signs.
Signs of Teen Alcoholism
Take note of the following red flags as they will be an indicator of symptoms of alcohol withdrawal in teens.
1. Physical Appearance
You may notice bloodshot eyes, dilated pupils, slurred speech, and lack of coordination. They may also start to use deodorant or strong perfumes to cover the smell of alcohol. Other signs to watch out for include changes in sleep patterns, and change in appetite.
2. Changing Behavior
With teen alcoholism, your child will start keeping away from you as much as he or she possibly can. If they’re in the house, you will notice that their doors remain locked. This could be an indication that there is alcohol in the room, and they do not want you to find it.
Your underage drinker will also suddenly get new friends, and you will receive truancy reports. Their performance will also decline. They will start to disregard certain rules and will lie about the way about quite a bit. They will also keep asking for money and will look for opportunities to sneak out of home or School.
Be watchful for any change in language, especially if your teen starts using slang or codes. It should be clear to you that they do not want you to hear what they’re saying. Expect a spike in rebellious behavior, especially if you do not give them money to spend.
3. Spiraling Moods and Motivation
One of the side effects of alcohol use is a change in the individual’s moods. Previously mild-mannered teens can start to have temper tantrums. Once the alcohol starts wearing off, they can become lethargic and lack any kind of motivation. It’s especially easy to see in physically active teens.
What Should you do When you Notice that Your Teen is Drinking
The first reaction for most parents would be to fly off the handle. But, by understanding the facts about alcohol, you can help your teen stop drinking. You should, therefore, do the following:-
• Avoid anger and approach the situation in a calm manner
• Monitor your teen for any behavioral changes
• Establish rules that have consequences if not followed
• Do random checks of their rooms to ensure they’re not hiding anything
• You have the option of smart recovery if you feel the team needs professional help
• Talk to the teens about the dangers of drinking without being accusatory
Help Stop Drinking Amongst Teens
Teen alcoholism is usually as a result of curiosity, or because they may have seen their parents do it. Unfortunately, some may spiral into full-blown alcoholism. Paying attention to how your teen behaves can allow you to take care of the problem before it gets out of hand.
We have many resources that can assist you with this, and if you need any more information, you can bookmark us.