Portrait of a young african woman holding resume document indoors
Are you debating the best skills to put on a resume?
If you’re looking to land your dream job, the best place to start is by rebuilding your resume with domyresume.net. In addition to listing your previous employment and your past education, showcasing your most highly-coveted skills is critical. After all, this is what will allow you to stand out from the competition and highlight your true worth.
To help, we’re sharing the four best skills to put on a resume. From technology skills to public speaking skills, we’re documenting today’s most highly-coveted employment skills.
1. Computer and Technology Skills
Are you a computer and tech whizz?
If you’re really interested in skills that will make you rich, it’s time to get serious about your relationship with technology. As technology continues to progress at a rapid rate, companies now expect their employees to possess some form of technical skill.
Whether it’s cloud computing or artificial intelligence, be sure to highlight your best technological skills on your resume. As more companies increase their reliance on technology, the demand for employees with advanced technical skills will continue to rise. Without an interest in developing these skills, the risk of aging yourself out of a position is likely.
2. A Strong Work Ethic
In today’s day and age, most technical skills can be taught and eventually learned.
However, a more innate skill such as a strong work ethic can’t always be learned overnight. Instead, most people that have an unparalleled work ethic attribute it to something they were born with or developed at a young age. This isn’t a skill that is typically developed through education or even training.
From the perspective of an employer, hiring an employee with a strong work ethic is crucial. With this, an employer can have all the faith in the world that their new hire is a self-starter who will excel in their work and respect timelines.
3. Public Speaking Skills
Did you know that 77% of people feel anxious in regards to public speaking?
If you have a history of public speaking engagements, this should be openly outlined on your resume. Maybe you lead a training event for a large group of people. Or, perhaps you represented your company by speaking at an important conference. Either way, feeling comfortable and confident in speaking to a large group of people is a highly-praised skill.
The truth is, finding an employee who excels at public speaking is a rarity. In possessing such a skill, you can quickly become a significant asset to your next employer.
4. Content Creation
Have you always had a knack for writing?
If you’re fond of expressing yourself with words, this skill is sure to come in handy in your future employment. In today’s day and age, many businesses are turning to the power of content marketing to connect with their customers and build their brand. In fact, 91% of marketing professionals use content marketing as a means of better reaching their customers.
Whether it’s blogging or email marketing, having to ability to express your thoughts with the written word is a highly-coveted skill today.
The Best Skills to Put on a Resume
Now that you know the best skills to put on a resume, it’s time to get started! With a high-quality resume, you can look forward to landing your dream job in no time.
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