They always said, “If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands.”
We don’t know many people who walk around in their daily life constantly clapping due to pure happiness.
However, we do know there are plenty of habits happy people adopt into their life. Clapping might just be one of them.
Other habits can include writing down thoughts of gratitude or dancing alone in their room. Whatever it is, many people are searching for ways to bring some more smiles into their world.
We are here to help show what makes people happy so make sure to keep reading. Below are 21 habits to a happier you.
1. Love the Little Things
Not every day is going to be your best day, but there is something great in every day. You just have to learn to look for it.
We know it can be hard, but get excited about the new dinner recipe you’re trying out or celebrate the extra mile you ran during your workout.
2. Invest in Your Body
We aren’t saying go and sign up for three different marathons, but you should be making healthy decisions to invest in your body. This can be different to everyone.
For you, it can be getting an extra hour of sleep every night or getting a massage once a month. Eat some extra fruit in the week, and take a stroll around your neighborhood.
Healthy habits are happy habits.
3. Forgive People
One of the worst ways to weigh yourself down is holding on to a grudge. You’re constantly thinking negatively about a certain person and nearly gagging when you hear their name.
Spend some time writing in a journal or meditating to help resolve the anger you have. It’s for the best and makes you happy.
4. Change up Your Routine
Whether it’s exploring top travel destinations or going to a new coffee shop in the morning, change up your usual routine. Not only are you pushed out of your comfort zone, you’re exposed to new opportunities.
Doing the same thing every single day can start to wear us down mentally and physically. Sometimes your eyes need to see new things.
5. Give to Others
We know it feels good to buy yourself things you want like a nice meal or a new shirt. However, buying and giving a gift to someone else leaves you feeling good. Other people’s joy can be your greatest joy.
6. Find a Healthy Outlet
One of the best happy habits is finding an outlet or hobby to invest in during your free time. If you’ve always wanted to become a better painter, start setting aside time every week to paint.
You can also practice yoga, start hiking or bake for friends.
7. Surround Yourself with Happy People
It’s easier to pull someone down than to lift them up. Even if you’re doing your best to best a happier person, being around negative people can pull you right back into the pit.
8. Put the Phone Down
Being disconnected from the world for a few hours every now and then makes you happier. It’s easy to get wrapped up in comparison on social media.
We see the ideal vacation photos, happy families, and romantic relationships. This makes us forget about the good we have in our own life.
9. Celebrate Others
It’s a great thing to celebrate your victories in life, but celebrating others brings joy as well. Being selfless in recognizing victories in another life is rewarding in ways you wouldn’t often expect.
It brings you closer to your friends and strengthens valuable relationships.
10. Appreciate Advancements in This Day and Age
Most of the time we take our cell phones, computers, air conditioners, and cars for granted. They are things many of us are used to having. However, not everyone has those sorts of luxuries.
As silly as it seems, one of the best happy habits is being thankful for everything from back-up cameras to audio transcription services.
11. Let Go of Shame
Forgiving others in a major part of what makes a person happy. Along with that, learn to forgive yourself. Carrying around shame and regret will only slow you down.
Live and let go.
12. Have Some Fun
Having responsibility and structure can be a beneficial part of anyone’s life, but sometimes happiness comes from the little moments you decide to let loose.
This weekend, dance to music around your house or cancel your plans for the day and play volleyball on the beach. It’s okay to be a kid sometimes.
13. Challenge Yourself
Boredom and complacency creep into your life once you stop growing your skills and gifts. Don’t be lazy, and don’t settle for the easy path. Challenge yourself in something every day.
14. Don’t Settle for the Immediate
Even if something brings happiness in the moment, it can take away from happiness in the future. It’s as simple as practicing money saving tips now, like not eating out as much, to give yourself that vacation in the future.
15. Stop Comparing Yourself to Others
Do what makes you happy. Don’t worry about what other people are doing, and stop comparing your life with theirs. Everyone has their own path in life.
16. Meditate
If you’re a busy and anxious person, it can seem ridiculous to sit on the ground and close your eyes. However, intentional mindfulness and meditation can bring major smiles.
17. Sleep Longer
It’s amazing what an extra hour of sleep will do not only for your body but your mind.
18. Prioritize
Don’t let yourself become burnt out by volunteering for everything. Decide what needs and should get done, and stick to those things.
19. Dig Deeper
Another one of the best happy habits is moving past superficial relationships with people. Ask questions that matter, and start knowing people on a deeper level.
20. Be Positive
Try to be a glass-half-full person instead of a glass half-empty. Look for the silver lining in everything.
21. Love Yourself
This happiness habit can be difficult but the most rewarding. Even if you don’t wake up loving yourself, practice encouraging thoughts to yourself every day.
Wondering What Makes People Happy?
If you’re constantly wondering what makes people happy, you’ve found the right place. Make sure to read the above tips to work towards a much happier life.
It can be simple as going to bed early or as difficult as forgiving someone who hurt you. Any step in the right direction is a step that matters.
Do you want more tips on health, lifestyle, and happiness? Make sure you check out the rest of our site.