For any commercial business, cleaning is an inevitable chore. And whilst it must be done regularly and rigorously, it’s often the last thing you or your staff want to be doing. So if you want to spend less time cleaning and more time making money, take a look at these five top tips to increase cleaning efficiency.
Proper training
Commercial cleaning may sound simple enough but you’d surprised how many people make some basic mistakes. These mistakes, although seemingly small, can end up wasting time and money which in the long run can have a significant effect on your productivity and profit. So in order to minimise downtime and get your facility cleaned as quickly as possible, make sure you provide regular training for all staff. This can cover everything from best practices to more efficient and effective cleaning techniques. It’ll take a little more time to begin with but it will save you so much more time in the long run.
Commercial and industrial floor cleaning machines
It might be cheaper to provide your staff with a mop, bucket and some anti-bacterial spray, but investing in the right floor cleaning equipment can actually save you a lot of money in the long run. For example, if you have a certain amount of floor space that needs cleaning on a regular basis, a walk behind floor scrubber can get the floor cleaner in far less time and with much less effort than a mop and bucket. It also allows far less margin for error and makes the job a lot easier on you and your staff.
A cleverly planned schedule
Efficient cleaning is all about having the right schedule. Just because something has been done a certain way for as long as you remember, it doesn’t mean it’s the best or most efficient way of getting the job done. So if you want better and faster cleaning, take a look at when and how the tasks are carried out. Look at your current schedule to see if you can make any amendments. You need to make sure that it’s scheduled around your daily operations and performed at optimal times for maximum efficiency.
Proactive cleaning
Whilst it may seem like a bit of a time-saver to simply wait for things to get dirty before you clean, this mode of operation actually has the opposite effect. Proactive cleaning on a regular basis allows you to keep on top of things and prevent the build-up of grease, dirt and hard to remove substances. And although proactive cleaning may need to occur more frequently, it will actually take you and your staff a fraction of the time.
Purpose-built equipment
We’ve already discussed how important having the right cleaning equipment is to the cleaning and maintenance process, but having the correct industry appropriate equipment and machinery is also key. For example, if you work in the food and beverage industry, you should look for food enclosures designed for easy cleaning. Features such as sloped roofs and concealed hinges are specifically designed to prevent dirt build-up as well as easier and faster cleaning. Again, it may cost a little bit more to start with, but it will save you a lot of time, energy and money in the long run.
Additionally, Cold Jet a dry ice Sydney expert has told us that some cleaning methods are more suited to curtain industries than others. For example, dry ice blasting is great for food production machinery as it doesn’t contain any harmful chemicals and is residue free leaving machinery clean and ready for use almost immediately.
Although it’s usually a task that nobody wants to do, cleaning is an unavoidable part of any commercial business. But with careful planning and by investing in some proper equipment and staff training, you can get all cleaning processes completed to a higher standard in a fraction of the time. And of course, in turn this will free up more of your time for more productive and exciting tasks that will help your business to grow.