Direct mail marketing has proved to be an effective way for lead generation in real estate. When using the method, however, one needs to understand that the recipients will not necessarily read every mail. Some will only look at the mail and bin it. To ensure that your direct mail marketing campaign is effective, therefore, you have to employ a couple of tactics.
It doesn’t matter if you are a real estate marketer, investor, or agent. Here are some helpful tips that could promote the success of your direct mail campaign.
Be Consistent
Do you wish for your direct mail campaign to yield positive results? Then you have to be consistent. Consistency is vital in any marketing strategy, especially one that’s tangible such as direct mail.
You need to keep in mind that you’re mailing potential clients. Sometimes, the recipients may open a mail when they’re engaged in other things, which means that they may end up forgetting about it. For lead conversion, therefore, you have to be consistent.
What does this mean? It implies that you have to keep reminding your target audience about your brand and services. To do this, you can select a frequency for mailing and stick to it over a specified period. That way, your campaign will be a success.
Follow Up
DealMachine claims that for your direct mail strategy to work, you need to use “real estate postcards that actually work.” But even after sending them out, you must follow up. A real estate buyer or seller needs to feel a personal connection with an agent or marketer.
You have to make sure that you keep your email notifications on. This will ensure you are always able to respond as soon as a potential client contacts you. You can also send follow up emails to inquire about the client’s satisfaction or interest to transact with your real estate agency.
Follow-ups can also be done through phone calls. The calls assure your target audience that you’re a dedicated provider. Otherwise, they will look for a real estate agent that shows interest. Most importantly, you have to be prompt with your responses.
Segment Your Mailing List
To make sure that your direct mail marketing works effectively, you need to personalize your messages. What does this mean? It implies that you have to segment your mailing list. You don’t want to adopt mass mailing. Doing so could see you stray from your target audience, thus making your strategy ineffective.
You need to come up with a prospect list, and then send targeted messages to them. Make sure that you tailor your messages to fit a specific target audience. Here’s where you send real estate postcards that really work. The postcards could target a specific geographical location or make sure they include home prices within your target’s location.
Give Your Target Audience an Irresistible Offer
One of the key goals of direct mail marketing is to convert leads to sales. This means that you need to make sure that your campaign gives your target audience an offer that they’ll find irresistible. It is proven that such offers yield desired results.
Truth is, buyers want to feel as if they’re getting special treatment. So, you need to brainstorm some of the ideas that will attract your target audience when crafting your mail. For instance, you can remove the required down payment for interested buyers that live in a specific area. You can also give people in a certain locality first access to listings. Even better, you can tell them that you’ll offer a glass of wine for those who come by an open house.
Focus on the Important Things
The aim of real estate direct mail marketing is to capture the attention of your target audience within the first words. As a result, you need to limit what you say to a few words only. Focus on the key points, while making sure your message is clear and concise.
To accomplish that, you need to grab the reader’s attention from the first sentence. Additionally, include a strong call-to-action while restating your main message.
Direct mail is a great marketing strategy for real estate business. To make sure you reap the benefits of such campaigns, however, you have to implement tactics such as the ones mentioned in this post.