Starting your online store seems necessary if you are serious about expanding your business. Every web development agency advises to approach this wisely and professionally, i.e. use the services of specialists in this field or put a store on the template. Check the pros and cons of such solutions.
You can use the ready WooCommerce plugin
When you decide to set up your online store, you can use the ready WooCommerce plugin, which works in synchronization with CMS WordPress. Thanks to it, you will build almost any type of store – from small and uncomplicated to large with various, unusual functionalities. If you need to implement a more complex project that includes custom solutions, use the services of a web development agency that will do the work for you.
Using ready-made templates is cheaper
To put a store on WooCommerce, you need nice graphic design. You can outsource this work to a web developer or use ready-made templates. It is known that a web development agency will do everything according to the plan you provide, but commissioning such work is more expensive than using a ready template. In turn, with templates, you use a ready-made product and you can not interfere too much in it. WooCommerce is one of the most popular ways to create a template-based online store.
What elements should you add to your online store?
If you are composing your store from ready-made elements, make them functional and make it easier for your customers to navigate and use the store. The most basic part is the system for handling payments from customers. The next one will be a system that integrates the shipping of goods with a carrier or courier.
Most templates will fit your needs, but not all
Most schemes can be customized to suit your needs, which gives you more opportunities to build store facilities. Good templates for placing an online store will have a section in which you will present the product. This section should allow you to add photos and videos, as well as allowing your clients to download a document, e.g. a user manual in pdf format. To make it easier for you to manage your products, the template should allow you to manage invoices or control inventory. If the template does not allow you to match a particular element, ask to design this element of the web development company.
You will save time with the templates
By using ready-made templates, you can count on quickly placing your e-commerce store on the internet. Ready-made templates ensure the convenience of use and that you manage everything yourself. Templates for placing online stores also have their drawbacks. It will be, for example, the fact that you do not adapt them to more complicated functionalities and you will have to use the web development agency service, which will program the given functionality exactly as you wish. Templates for creating online stores are a cheaper solution than buying a comprehensive service from a web developer, but you should always remember that you have to pay for quality.