In order to set yourself apart from the rest, and position yourself as amongst brand strategy specialists, we’ve put together a few things to remember when crafting your Call-to-Actions (CTAs).
They say the best CTAs are the simplest CTAs; Buy Now, Subscribe, Download. But it’s important to consider them in relation to your brand and desired customer journey.
It may be tempting to fiddle whilst Rome burns… still don’t do it. Which is to say: why make it more complicated than it has to be? With a CTA, you want the reader to be enacting as little brain-power as possible – the language you use for our CTA buttons should clearly describe the resulting action.
The Call-To-Action
Whilst you can never go wrong by keeping it simple and having one clear, concise and direct CTA, sometimes you need two. This is where secondary CTAs come in. Almost every e-commerce business utilises these two CTAs:
· Add to Basket
· Buy Now
These buttons both ultimately result in the same thing – sales. One just takes a little bit longer. However, ‘Add to Basket’ means that the shopping continues as the user racks up an ever-growing list of items he/she wants to purchase. In fact, because ‘Add to Basket’ doesn’t conclude the consumption circuit it usually operates as the primary CTA.
You may want to consider these facts next time you’re creating your CTAs – it’s certainly working for Apple and Amazon. But now consider seeing how other brands are tweaking the messaging to suit the brand experience they’re trying to create through CTAs like:
· Add to wishlist
· Secure now
These buttons create a feeling and emotive response that the user wants to treat themselves or I might miss out if they don’t act now – the end results are still – sales.
Don’t Miss Out On FOMO
FOMO, or ‘Fear Of Missing Out’, refers to “a pervasive apprehension that others might be having rewarding experiences from which one is absent” (2013:Gladwell)
Depending on the kind of brand experience you’re trying to build – utilising this fear in consumers is an extremely effective motivator in persuading your prospective clients. Tapping into this human need to perpetually stay interconnected with the rest of society is pretty simple – we’re going to show you how to incorporate FOMO trait into your CTAs:
· Right Now
· Limited Time
· Whilst Stocks Last
· One-Time Offer
· Only X Left
Utilising phrases like these in your CTA copy highlights products’ exclusivity and rarity – leaving little time for people to deliberate, for fear of missing out on an opportunity to be a part of something.
One last thing, KISS – Keep It Simple Stupid
The KISS rule is something you should always consider when you’re crafting content. Although ‘simple’ does not necessarily mean ‘short’. Your readers still need to understand the complete message you’re trying to convey.
So don’t forget to ask yourself: “can this be distilled into something more quickly digested?”
These are just a few things to consider next time you’re concerned with the benefits of branding and brand promotion whilst communicating with prospective clients in the digital landscape.
Author Bio:
Jack Shepherdson:
With a love of advertising and branding, Jack Shepherdson is uberbrand’s Digital Coordinator. Experienced across the digital landscape, Jack specialises in producing digital campaigns and projects.