Everyone is jumping on the internet now to promote their business, sell their products and grow their audience. And with this influx of new sites popping up daily, it is becoming more difficult than ever to stand out from this ocean of noise and be seen and heard.
How do you get your brand noticed?
How can you get your products, services and content in front of your target audience?
It’s a real struggle for both large and small brands, but there are lots of strategies you can use to get people to notice you. In this article you’ll find five online marketing tips to get more traffic coming back to your company website. Some of them might sound simple or unexciting, but they have stood the test of time and should be the backbone of your promotional efforts.
1. Focus Content on Longtail Keywords
One of the best ways to get free traffic to your website is to create blog content that focuses on longtail keywords. Every blog post that you publish on your blog should ideally target one main keyword, and the more specific the keyword is, the better.
So as an example, the way a lawyer seeking local clients might use one of these tips to stand out might be to target longtail keywords with a local aspect, such as “personal injury lawyers Richmond Kentucky.”
There are tons of keyword research tools out there to choose from. Some are free, such as the Google Keyword Planner. And others, such as Longtail Pro, will require either a one-time purchase or a recurring subscription.
2. Expand Your Social Media Presence
Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest and LinkedIn offer fantastic opportunities to reach out and connect with your target audience. These platforms are now favoring paid content and are limiting reach of organic/free content, but even with these changes, you can still push a lot of traffic to your site using free accounts.
But it’s important that you don’t just spam your followers with links and promotional posts. Unless your followers are huge fans of your brand, you’re more likely to push them away than to actually get them to click through to your landing pages.
So instead of blasting out commercial content, be sure to also share glimpses of your company culture, to share related content from other accounts and to engage with your followers by responding to comments and direct messages (DMs).
3. Continually Guest Post on Other Sites
Guest blogging – the practice of writing content to be published on other websites – has gone through many ups and downs over the past decade. But guest blogging is still a great way to get referral traffic back to your site. And in some cases, those links can also help improve your rankings in search engines.
The key to effective guest posting is to only submit high-quality articles to popular authoritative websites in your industry or niche. This ensures that your content actually reaches your target demographic and provides them with relevant, useful information that makes them want to click through your links and visit your landing pages on your website.
4. Invest in Video Marketing
While text-based blogging is still effective at reaching your target audience, video is quickly overtaking it to become the medium of choice for online consumers. If you aren’t publishing video content on your website and on video sharing sites like Youtube and Instagram TV, then you are missing out on a lot of traffic.
People want to see high-quality videos about your products and services – and even about your team and your brand culture. Investing in video content to promote your brand is one of the smartest investments you can make.
5. Be a Guest on Industry Podcasts
Along with video, podcasting has grown immensely over the past few years, with a recent survey estimating that one in five adults listen to at least one podcast daily.
And since many podcasts feature guests on their programs regularly, there is a great opportunity for you and your team members to get out there onto the podcasting circuit and promote your brand.
Some podcasts are recorded like traditional radio interviews, where you need to be in the studio with the podcast hosts during the show. But many podcasts allow you to connect remotely by Skype or other video/audio platforms and record the show from wherever you are in the world.
Imagine the exposure your brand can get by being the featured guest
on a different podcast show every week throughout the summer. You can easily reach new audiences quickly with this medium.
Getting traffic to your website is becoming more difficult with every day that passes, as more and more brands are pushing out content. But by keeping high quality standards for your content and by following these five digital marketing strategies consistently, you can begin to pull ahead of the crowd and get more eyes on your website over time.
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