If you want to advance your career, particularly in the medical field, you need to find ways to stand out from the crowd. There are a lot of people who are looking for a better job, so how can you make sure a potential employer pulls your resume out of the pile? There is a lot of demand for healthcare professionals, but if you want to be the one chosen, you need to put yourself in the best position possible. What are a few things you can do to stand out from the crowd?
1. Go Back To School To Earn More Credentials
One of the first tips you may want to follow is to go back to school to earn another set of credentials. For example, take a look at the current healthcare job market and see where there is the most demand. Then, consider going back to school for that specific position. For example, you might be able to advance your career if you earn a medical administrative assistant certificate. This is a great way to earn clinical experience that you can use to further advance your education and career down the road. Think about going back to school to show your employer that you are always willing to learn new skills.
2. Follow-Up With the Recruiter
If someone is recruiting you for a potential position, always follow-up with them. They might ask you to submit an application, but then you might never hear from them again. Remember that people want to hire people who want to work for them, so do not hesitate to reach out to the recruiter from time to time to ask for an update. They might let you know that they are getting ready to do interviews, they might tell you that they are still reviewing applications, or they might even tell you that they are getting ready to make an offer. Always keep in touch with the company reps.
3. Network as Much as Possible
In addition, you need to network as much as possible. When there is a large pile of applications, there might be a computer going through them first, looking for the right words and phrases. You need a human who is actually going to get into that pile and pull out your application. The only way you can make that happen is if you know someone at the company who is willing to go to bat for you. This is where your networking skills are very important. Make sure you go to conferences and conventions where you can shake some hands and get to know some people. This could open more doors for you.
4. Practice Your Interview Skills
Once they offer you an interview, you know that you are qualified for the position. Now, you need to show them that you have the people skills to do the job well. Therefore, see if you can practice your interview skills. Take some time to go online and look up some of the most common questions that people are asked when they go for interviews for your potential position. You might even want to see if there is an organization that will help you do mock interviews. That way, you can get prepared for any curveballs you might see when you interview for real. Make sure you stand out during the interview.
5. Always Send a Handwritten Thank You Note To Your Interviewers.
Finally, a personal touch can go a long way. Always send a handwritten thank you note to whoever interviews you. Not a lot of people take the time to write something by hand anymore, so this is a great way to stand out. This is also a great way to remind the interviewer of who you are, what you talked about, and why you want to work for that company. Before you leave the interview, get the contact information of everyone who interviews you. Then, don’t forget to send out that handwritten thank you note a few days after the interview. This could make a major difference.
Follow These Tips To Stand Out From The Crowd
In the end, there are a lot of tips you can follow if you want to make sure that you stand out from the crowd as much as possible. Even though there is a shortage of healthcare workers right now, there are also a lot of people looking for a job. If you want to further your career, you may want to consider going back to school to earn another set of letters after your name. Then, do not forget to follow up with anyone who expresses even the slightest interest in your application. People want to hire people who want to work for their company, so make sure you express an interest.