According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), car crashes cost the US about $877 billion each year on average. Moreover, $277 billion of these are attributed to direct economic costs, while $577 billion costs occur due to loss of life, sustained injuries, and loss of income. While many of these costs are often covered through insurance, the insurance parties fight hard and sometimes unfairly to keep their money in their wallet. Hence, if you are involved in an car accident in some of the most accident prone in the state like Idaho, you need to hire an Idaho car accident attorney urgently. Below are 3 key advantages of hiring an attorney.
Potential Liabilities
Most accidents are either caused due to slip-ups on the part of drivers, or reckless habits like drinking, and driving. Hence, accidents are pitfalls for potential legal penalties including jail time. Furthermore, after an accident, you will probably experience a stage of shock, pain, fear, or a mixed emotion combining them all. In such a stage, your vulnerability can lead to admission of guilt, confession material that can work against you in court. Additionally, after an accident, you are also supposed to undertake legal work like reporting to the police or providing medical, and legal assistance to injured pedestrians. In order to take care of all these responsibilities, and doing them while safeguarding your own future is exactly what you are paying an attorney for.
Legal Process
Legal process in relation to accidents in Idaho relies on the principle of comparative negligence. What this means is, your ability to recover your damages relies on your comparative fault in the accident. For example, if you have suffered damaged worth $100,000, and the jury members have determined that you were at 70% fault, then you would receive $30,000 in compensation. Determining your fault, and poking errors in the legal case of the other parties when stakes are this high isn’t a job for an amateur. Moreover, despite winning your case, you might still need to negotiate with third parties like insurance companies, the family of the driver (if they are minor), and the best way to do that is have professional help by your side.
Different estimates from different authorities estimate that car settlement for average car insurance range somewhere between $14,000 to 28,000 on average. If you are somebody who is starting out in your career, or somebody who is under a lot of pressure with retirement plans, home loans, and others; you cannot afford to put the security of your family in novice hands.