Daily, hundreds of employees seek to join the international giant retailer –Amazon. To give every applicant equal opportunity, Amazon has designed its unique Amazon Assessment Test to help eliminate candidates and hire the best.
If you are to overcome the fierce competition and get hired by Amazon, you must understand what skills they look for in each department and their hiring criteria. The test is the main determinant and with the right strategy, you will succeed and get hired.
What you need to know about the Amazon Assessment Test
Amazon has several hiring phases and the first one is the CV screening where your resume and application are screened. If you pass this process, you will be invited to take the test. All candidates do not take the same test but each position has its unique test.
For example, if you apply to work in the coding/technology department, you will be asked to take the Amazon SDE online assessment. Interns who wish to work in this department take the same test even though they will not be employed by Amazon. If they wish to seek employment in the company later, they will have to apply and follow the recruitment process.
Some of the other tests taken by different employees are the Amazon maintenance technicians exam, financial analyst test, AWN online test, work style assessment, and Amazon hiring simulation test.
If you pass the assessment test, you will be invited for a telephone interview and after succeeding, you move on to the virtual interview, and finally, you get the job offer. After accepting and signing the job offer, you get officially employed by Amazon.
What test categories should you expect?
Once you get an invite to take the test, be prepared for two test sections. The first is the aptitude test and the second is the position-based test and both are done online. The purpose of the aptitude test is to measure your analytical capacity and the position-based test measures your unique skills per the job position you applied for.
The aptitude section is closely but not entirely similar across all candidates and includes the numerical assessment. The second section is department-specific and is titled as per the department. These are tests like the AWS assessment, financial analyst assessment, and area manager test.
What areas will you be tested in?
Amazon is majorly a retail store and customer service is at its core. Everything the workers do is geared towards improving customer satisfaction, fast order processing, and delivery. Complaints, return orders and cash refunds must be investigated and handled fast. As a result, every candidate will be tested in these unique areas.
Your trust will be tested and if you will own the business. Other areas will be high standard service delivery, result-oriented approach, frugality, big-mindedness, simplicity, and customer obsession.
Getting ready to pass the Amazon Assessment Test
The secret to passing the test is to do everything right from the online application phase because you cannot be invited to take the test if you don’t pass the resume screening process.
Research the most up-to-date changes, awards, and deals. When applying, make mention of these latest changes to prove that you understand the company better. To Amazon, customer obsession is key and it will add weight if you keep mentioning its customer values. Don’t get late to submit your application and answer the motivational questions correctly.
Get ready for the assessment invitation
Be expectant and start getting ready for the invitation email to take the test. Once you get the invitation, you may be invited to take all three tests or one out of the three. These are verbal skills, logical reasoning, and numerical skills.
Practice based on your field
Several websites offer different Amazon sample practice tests which are good but before you take any sample test, do some research to ascertain the credibility of the site. Buy and read the resources and keep taking several sample tests until you build enough confidence.
For developers, the SDE online test is crucial and you should take note of each section like the personality test, coding, debugging, and problem-saving tests.
Do as many questions as possible
You may not be obligated to complete all the questions, but it’s important you try the best you can to do at least more than two-thirds of the questions and if possible do everything. That way, you give yourself a better chance to score higher marks and get yourself hired.