Slick marketing slogans, cool colors, or memorable logos aren’t why you run your business. Your business is about your passion and your commitment to quality; it’s about delivering the best products or services to customers.
Yet it’s also true that you won’t get far without a brand. Effectively building your business means building a brand, too. Without a familiar brand, your hard work won’t stick in the minds of your customers, clients, and collaborators. It will be harder to advertise and harder to communicate your efforts to customers. That’s why it’s so important to build and maintain your business’s identity.
Branding works
Branding is much more than a choice of one color over another or the shape of a new logo. Study after study has proven that good branding can turn mediocre products into massive hits; meanwhile, even the best businesses can suffer if their branding is no good.
Branding is about sending a message. It’s about being familiar and identifiable to your customers and clients. Branding isn’t about replacing your hard work and quality. It’s about giving customers a simple visual reminder of that quality and hard work. Think of your brand as the vessel for your company’s reputation. The good (and the bad) of what your business offers and does will be associated with its brand.
That’s why experts put hours into polling and research when they develop new brands. Every aspect of the name and logo should inspire customers. In fact, experts say, even the sound of a brand name said out loud matters quite a bit to the brand’s future success. A made-up brand name can still cause customers to have good or bad associations, even though they’ve never heard the name before.
This isn’t something that you need to do yourself. In fact, it’s probably something that you shouldn’t. It’s well worth it to outsource this work to the professionals who have studied branding and logo design for years.
Marketing made easy
A brand is something that you can put on your business’s signage. It’s also something that you can print on everything from stationery to pens. But don’t limit your branding to your business space itself. A good brand is perfect for marketing.
Here, again, it pays to turn to professionals. Marketing experts can help you build a strategy that combines traditional and digital marketing in a way that helps you reach customers in an effective and cost-efficient way.
Custom printing and more
Your brand and logo should be prominently displayed on your signage and in your advertisements. But don’t forget the little things, particularly the presentations and paperwork that your business may hand out to prospective clients or collaborators. When you nail your presentation, you want your audience to be holding handouts and presentation folders that look great and feature your business’s name and logo.
That way, explain the custom printing pros at Mines Press, anyone who attends your presentation can remind themselves of your success with just a glance. Your hard work and skill drives your company, but your brand is what carries that reputation for you.
No presentations? No problem. Custom printing can also mean getting customized T-shirts or polo shirts for retail employees, branded pens for the receptionist’s desk in the waiting room, or classic business cards to hand out when networking. The key in every case is to make sure that your brand follows customers and clients home and stays on their minds. Create a brand, then build on it.