Empaths are sensitive and intuitive people who take in the emotions and energy of the people around them. For this reason, empaths may find it challenging to be in careers that involve a lot of negativity, such as those jobs with exposure to violence and cruelty. On the other hand, empaths can really excel in careers where they can help and heal others by being themselves.
Empaths have a talent for helping and inspiring others. There are many fields where empaths can use their unique abilities to produce outstanding results and help others heal. These jobs can really be some of the best careers for empaths because their gift for feeling something and being truly sympathetic to another’s feelings will help them make significant contributions in these fields.
On the flip side of the coin, such jobs leech upon the empaths’ emotional and mental energy and leave them as a husk of a person. These are jobs that, it goes without saying, empaths should avoid.
If you feel that you are someone who strongly feels the pain of others, senses their emotions, and can place yourself in their shoes, and are looking to align yourself with a career, then here are the careers that will allow you to flourish and those that will suffocate you.
Best: Social Work
Empaths have an incredible ability to help others heal. If you are one of those people who can empathize with another person’s difficulties and offer them support, empathy, and encouragement, then you will be able to do well in a field that involves social work. You can earn a bachelor’s degree in the field and easily align yourself with an organization, and continue your education further by pursuing a social work masters programs online.
Social workers are essential, and they fill a vital role in our society by offering help to those that need it the most. They make others’ lives better by providing them with the support they need and helping them deal with trauma and grief in their own lives. This field allows people to deal with various problems such as mental illness, substance abuse, domestic violence, unemployment etc. If you feel as though you want to help humans in a position of direct influence, here is the career for you.
Worst: Sales
Since you, as an empath, feel the emotions of others deeply, you may want to skip sales. This is because your sensitivity will be taking a battering each day you spend working as a salesman. Salesmen have to deal with rejection on a regular basis, and by simply being around people all day and listening to their “no(s),” empaths can feel depleted and unhappy.
This is not an uncommon feeling for salespeople and is referred to as burnout; this occurs when one has spent too much time being around people and dealing with negative emotions. As a result, the sensitive person can become irritable, frustrated, moody, and depressed when this happens.
Aside from that, seeing your colleagues struggle alongside you, trying to reach their targets will create an environment of stress that will only harm you both short-term and long-term.
Best: Education
Empaths have a talent for helping others and helping the world by being compassionate and involved in the community, can make a career out of education. There are many fields that are well suited to the talents and skills of an empath. So, if you are looking for a suitable field that is best for you due to your gift, then teaching will help you find your place in the world.
This field brings great joy to empaths who want to help others by providing them with guidance or advice on achieving their goals or dealing with problems in their lives.
Dealing with young minds that face new challenges everyday can be an arduous task for many, but empaths, being intuitive, are better suited to it than anyone else.
Worst: Politics
If anyone is looking for a career that does not utilize their gift but actually leeches on it, then politics is the right choice. Politics is a negative choice for empaths because so many people in this field use their clever minds to fool people into voting them into office. These jobs can only drain empaths and leave them empty and unhappy.
To get elected into office, you need to show people that you are dependable, trustworthy, and credible. It will be very hard for an empath who actually cares about others’ feelings if they pretend to try and manipulate others into voting for them as politicians use false personality traits to get elected.
You may be surprised to know that many empaths feel their careers are not developed enough. For example, having a career where you can only help one person out of three hundred is not exciting enough for an empath. Being able to help threes out of three hundred could be enough for some people, but not for empaths since they need more than this. So as long as you follow a path leading to career you will happily be able to spend your life in, you’ll never go wrong.