The easiest thing about wine is the drinking. Every other thing is centered around the business of wine and can be quite a challenge to achieve no matter the level of success. Selling wine is one of such tasks a winery is faced with. The market has changed significantly and what generated huge sales results a decade ago cannot work today. Things like a saturated market, heavy competition, mercurial customers, and even the pandemic have greatly affected sales of wine around the world. Wineries are having to re-evaluate their plans and figure out more effective ways of getting their bottles directly into the hands of their customers. there are quite a few methods that have proven to work.
Sell Through a Traditional and Online Auction or Consignment House.
Wine companies have the option of selling their wines through an auction or consignment houses across the world. These companies facilitate the buying and selling of products and items on behalf of other businesses and individuals. Once valuation and documentation are properly conducted, auctions could be held on a weekly or monthly basis and large quantities of wine can be sold and shipped across the world. In some cases, rare and special bottles sold by collectors could also be auctioned.
Online Merchants.
Online wine merchants are a more accessible platform for buying and selling wine. They buy and sell wine to anyone interested. Platforms like Underground Cellar go the extra mile to educate their customers on everything about wine. They carry bottles of different quality, price ranges, and make them suit every purse and taste. Regular people seeking good wine can get the best wine they can afford from online merchants. Collectors can find rare and vintage bottles on these sites and wineries can sell large quantities to the merchants who will, in turn, resell them on their platforms for a profit.
Selling wine doesn’t have to be a crick in the road for the wine business. There are so many platforms and methods, physical and online, through which their bottles can be distributed. A simple search and thorough research should produce one that is best suited for the business and the bottles can begin to fly off the shelves.