With the continuous evolution of the digital age comes increasing opportunities available in the world of business. Technological developments gave rise to new technology in the form of digital wayfinding signage. Digital Signage is a new way to disseminate information to many viewers through accessible and more convenient means. Many possibilities come with the formation of a passive system to make content using an advanced course. One can explore the principal functions and usage of wayfinding signage in this article.
Top Functions of Digital Signage
Digital signage is a digital installation that presents multimedia or video content for advertising and informational purposes. Digital wayfinding is posted everywhere from airports, bus stations, museums, and restaurants. With the increasing impact of digital signage in people’s lives, it is good to know the top digital signage functions. Enumerated below are the principal functions of digital signage.
1. Content
Digital signage provides texts, audios, graphics, videos, and others to inform or present stories. Anything displayed on the screen is a form of content. Therefore, any combined result of different media is also a form of content. Content makes the viewers stop when they walk by digital signage and engages them to interact. With the use of digital signage, designed information and infographics can have personalization.
2. Hardware
Another function of digital signage is that it provides tangible and physical components in cameras, printers, screens, and other devices. These components are the hardware. Because of advancements in technology, digital signage has modifications not just to be a limited time-orchestrated content displayer. In this age, people can enhance digital signage such that service providers have the autonomy to choose from a comprehensive set of hardware choices that fit their needs. For those seeking a professional and impactful display, digital Sign Installation at National Signs offers state-of-the-art solutions tailored to your brand’s needs. With modern technology, provisions of software solutions enable non-technical teams to adapt more efficiently with a better experience.
- Touch Screens
Multi-Touch screens enable a person’s finger or fingers to interact with content displayed on the screen. The fingers can be from different persons leading to many independent interactions co-occurring. There are two popular technologies under this category which are:
Capacitive Touch Technology
Capacitive touch technology uses sensors in the glass of the device to detect the current flow location. This flow is a touch event. The most prominent form is called the projected capacitive form found in tablets or mobile phones. These displays are by far one of the most precise touch technologies and are the gold standard in its line. Infrared technology emits a grid of invisible infrared light in LED/LCD screens, disrupted by stimuli, leading to identifying the touch location. With this, infrared displays are compatible with any material.
Beacon Technology
Beacons devices with low-energy that utilize broadcasting through a unique identifier or a URL. With beacons, content providers can make a contextual bridge between displays and the actual product or a mobile device. Some examples are proximity marketing and automated tour guide wherein tools capture unique IDs for relevant information. The same goes for membership cards swiped and provides membership information to be displayed on the screen.
- Connected and Tangible Objects
Connected objects are devices on the Internet and can be accessed through API, enabling easy information relay. This technology can connect a digital signage solution to lights, cameras, TVs, and other devices. For tangible objects, it uses stimuli other than the fingers. In this technology, the screen can identify what the item is and respond to its placement.
3. Software
Digital signage allows creation, deployment, management, and analysis of content released on the hardware. With its software, it enables users to create digital signage experiences with ease. It allows incorporating creativity and interactivity by integrating hardware, data collection for analytics, and third-party services. Moreover, it enables users to select their multimedia format, design, layout, and storyboard, thus facilitating collaboration and remote deployment.
Top Uses of Digital Signage
It would also be useful to understand digital signage uses. People utilize digital signage in various ways, which provides complete and optimum services to achieve a user’s goals. Listed are the top uses of digital signage in the next part.
1. Places Information on the Screen
One of the top uses of digital signage is to place information on the screen for viewers to see. The information displayed on the screen can range from a simple text, poster, time, calendar feed, weather, and many others. The key to providing essential information for viewers to read is to put the essential and important ones. Digital signage aims to make information dissemination faster, simpler, and more accessible. Placing too many messages on screen at one time could lead readers to have difficulty in comprehending information, which makes designing as an essential part of digital signage. Most digital signage displays only one main message at a time for about 10 seconds.
2. Productive and Informational Content
Another great use of digital signage is that it can make and generate emergency alerts when needed almost immediately. This use is especially essential for paces such as campuses or schools where there is an immediate need for information. This use also proves to be one of the digital signage greatest strengths and benefits since it can centralize most messaging types. With digital signage, every monitor can display emergency alerts within seconds of a signal being pushed throughout an event’s duration. Most commonly, emergency alerts are messages with audio that automatically plays in a system. The display also comes with a computerized reading of the message preceded by alert tones. Indeed, digital signage is beneficial when it comes to providing effective and informational content for its target audiences.
3. Content Management Solutions, Players, and Monitors
Having content management solutions, players, and monitors is another excellent use of digital signage. This use enables users to select and determine the player hardware they want. However, it is essential to note that even if there are less expensive player operating environments, these might not allow leveraging content management solutions’ full capabilities. Updates regarding “player-less” digital signage solutions in the future are still in the works. However, there are still huge limitations on what those solutions can do versus a digital signage solution with a more robust external player providing the content to the screen.
Digital signage is making significant impacts on people’s everyday lives. It is everywhere, and it makes information easily accessible and available to everyone. Knowing what it is, its main functions, and its uses are essential to understand the purpose of their existence. One can use digital wayfinding signage if people use it to their advantage in advertising, promotion, or informing others about specific content.