You’ve probably been asked by salespeople numerous times over the years to fill out a short survey on your receipt for a chance to win prizes or cash from the store. Either because you forgot or didn’t feel like putting in the effort, you’ve never filled out any of the surveys. Usually, the receipts end up in the recycle bin. But by tossing them out, you’re passing up on exciting opportunities. From improving the quality of service to winning incredible prizes, there are no downsides to filling out those quick questionnaires. Read on to discover what you’re missing out on by tossing those surveys aside.
A Chance to Have Your Voice Heard
Filling out customer surveys allows you to offer feedback to your favourite retail stores. If you’re unhappy with a retailer’s customer service, then they should know about it. The surveys aren’t merely part of a marketing campaign; they exist because brands want to improve their products and services. If you frequent the shop and spend your hard-earned dollars there, let them know how you genuinely feel about its operations.
Perhaps you would appreciate friendlier customer service on the floor, or maybe you’d encourage them to continue ordering a particular product that you love. It’s your chance to have your voice heard. The retailer’s marketing department will then read your answers to gain valuable insight and better understand customer wants and needs.
Online Contests: Home Depot Sweepstakes
Arguably the best perk of filling out customer surveys is the entering exciting contests part. Did you know that you also gain an opportunity to win big by filling out the short questionnaires? For example, you’ll often find Home Depot survey contests at the bottom of your receipt. They’re currently running a giveaway until May 2, 2021, where one lucky contestant will win a $3000 Home Depot gift card! All you have to do is save your receipt from the store and head to Home Depot’s website.
There, you’ll find a link that will take you to the survey where you can provide feedback about your recent shopping experience. The receipt has a User ID and Password on it, required to complete the survey, so don’t throw it out! Once you log in, follow the instructions, give your opinion, and cross your fingers — you might win the shopping spree of a lifetime!
More details about the contest are available on Home Depot’s contest site. And, it’s not just Home Depot that offers giveaways with surveys. Pay attention to your receipts because you never know when your favourite store might offer something unique.
You’ll Get to Know the Brand a Little Better
It never hurts to pay closer attention to where you’re buying things. By filling out customer surveys and reading more about a brand, you’ll get to know them a little better. You may even want to find out more about them and do some research about their policies and practices.
The next time you get a customer survey, think twice before tossing it in the bin. You’ll miss out on developing a closer relationship with your favourite brands, and most importantly, an opportunity to win incredible prizes through online contests.