Nobody would like to hear bad news. After all, nothing good ever comes out of hearing these kinds of loans, as you immediately have to think of a solution which will help you get out of the mess. One of these kinds of problems would be paying for outstanding car repairs. As can be understood, these are regarded as being unavoidable expenses.
And unless you would own a second vehicle at home or would easily be able to access public modes of transportation, keeping your car in good operating shape would not be considered optional. Hence, it would be considered to be a necessity and oftentimes even an expensive option, especially if you would not be keeping up with routine maintenance.
Payday Loans
Hence, one of the ways in which you would be able to pay for outstanding car repairs would be to apply for payday loans in Canada. Considered to be one of the cheapest and most flexible options that you would be able to find out there, it would not hurt to explore this option.
When you apply for this type of loan, you can receive up to $3000 directly into your bank account without having to provide a credit check. The process is simple since it does not require a ton of paperwork and can be done in a matter of minutes. After you’ve sent all the requested documents, you will receive the needed money in a couple of hours.
Personal loans
When you would be using a personal loan to pay for car repairs, it would allow you the opportunity to pay the mechanic right away and also spread out your payments over time. So, if you would be thinking of getting a personal loan under your name, it is recommended that you choose a lender who would be able to get your money to you as soon as possible. In this way, it would also be possible for you to get on the road as fast as possible.
Mechanic financing
Some of the mechanics tend to partner with lenders so that they would be able to offer their own financing option. It could be a car repair payment plan or a branded store credit card in the form of a personal loan which would be extended from the lending partner. In fact, it might even be the case that you would be offered financing free of interest for a couple of months. This could be considered to be a great option if you would like to pay off the credit or loan before the introductory period would expire.
Credit cards
Even though this might seem like an unlikely option, it is indeed possible to pay off car repair costs with credit cards. If you would have the available credit, you would be able to use one credit card or even a combination of them to pay for the repairs.
Emergency fund
The last resort would be to go for an emergency fund. If you happen to have emergency funds set aside, a major car repair would qualify to be one of those situations where it would be considered necessary to dip into your savings.