Staying on budget can be hard in today’s world. However, if you utilize some of the following tips and tricks into your everyday life, you will be on track to stay within your budget.
Track your expenses
First of all, the most important thing is to create a budget. How do I create a budget? Is something you may ask. The first step in making a budget is to track your expenses. The easiest and most cost effective way to track your expenses is by using a spreadsheet such as Excel or google sheets. You can track your expenses everyday over the course of a week or month depending on how you setup your budget.
Define your budget
Once you have tracked your expenses you must define your budget. Defining your budget involves allocating a certain amount of money to different expense categories such as food, rent, eating out, date nights, and monthly subscription services. It is important to also incorporate a savings component to your budget as this will help benefit your future.
Sticking to your budget
You may be tempted to purchase something that is not within your budget however it is important to stick with your plan. You should allocate part of your budget to discretionary spending items that lets you have a little bit of flexibility when it comes to spending. Otherwise when you find an expensive item you would like to purchase, you will not be able to stay within your budget. That is why I recommend allocating 10% of your monthly income to a discretionary spending expense. You may not spend this amount every month but you will be able to let this amount grow from month to month separate from your long term savings amount. Therefore when an expensive item comes up that you would like to purchase you do not have to worry about exceeding your budget.
Set reasonable goals
After you create a budget you may have a pretty good looking plan that will allow you to save a lot of money. That is great! However it is important to set realistic goals in your budget to make sure that you will be able to stick with the plan. This is one of the most important tips because if you set unrealistic goals you may not be able to stick with your budget at all.
Budget for the unexpected
Life happens and so do unexpected expenses. A proper budget will account for the unexpected costs that life throws at you. If your budget does not consider the unexpected expenses, your budget will likely fail and leave you feeling upset with the unexpected cost.
It is important to have a budget and make sure you stick with it. Make sure you start by tracking your expenses and then defining your budgeted expenses. A well rounded budget will also account for the unexpected costs in life such as an unexpected car repair or medical incident. When creating a budget remember to set realistic goals for yourself and make sure you give yourself enough money to enjoy life as well.