Do you worry about money all of the time? Perhaps you regularly feel that you are living above your means. Don’t panic. Although you might not think it there are many ways to save money and make your life that little bit more comfortable so you start saving for a rainy day.
In the age of consumerism, we might feel that we need everything that is sold to us but don’t fall victim to savvy adverts. Instead, read these money saving secrets, our top finance tips!
1. Sell What You Don’t Want
This might sound obvious but sit down and assess all the expensive belongings in your house and consider how often you use them.
Do you have a top of the range smoothie maker but never make smoothies? Do you have an Xbox One but rarely play video games? Sell them either at a yard sale or by advertising them online on Facebook Marketplace or on eBay.
Don’t then spend the cash on more useless goods instead put the money aside in a savings account.
Freeing up this extra space in your house can also feel liberating as well and you might feel stronger for it.
2. Sign up to Loyalty Schemes and Research the Best Deals
If you shop regularly at the same supermarket be sure to use loyalty schemes and to do your research as to which loyalty schemes will give you the best value for money.
You can often save money by using your rewards and coupons and taking advantage of the offers they give you. Apply this mentality to your checking account, credit cards and even your phone contract.
If you are self-employed or run a small business that needs marketing, consider whether a programmatic agency might be more cost-effective than a traditional agency.
Do some research and find out who provides the best service and deals. This is time consuming so make sure you allocate some time to do it in your schedule.
3. Use a Budgeting App
Download a budgeting app like Wally or use the budgeting tools on new digital apps. They can help you see how you spend your money every week and if you are overspending in certain areas. These apps have helpful colorful pie charts.
Digital banking apps like Revolut, N26, and Transferwise often have other features included like the ability to store money away in ‘vaults’ where it can’t be accessed.
The ability to hold money in different currencies can also help you to save as you can change your money from U.S dollars to Euros, Great British Pounds or a currency of your choice for your next vacation.
Changing it back to dollars would mean losing out on foreign exchange rates incentivizing you to keep your savings for your vacation rather than spending them.
Money Saving Secrets: You Have All of the Answers
If you wondering about what money saving secrets enable people to save up and budget better then the answer is: you have all the answers, there are no secrets!
If you feel your house is cluttered with expensive objects you don’t use: sell them. If you shop regularly at a store ask for a better deal and if you can’t get one, leave.
Finally, educate yourself about your spending habits by using a pen and paper or a budget app if you are into technology. This is one of the top finance tips.
If you are interested in learning more about money savings tips be sure to check out the rest of our site.