If you’re considering adding precious metals to your investment portfolio but don’t know how to get started, you’ve come to the right place. Simply continue reading to discover an invaluable guide to purchasing silver and precious metals at competitive rates.
Purchase your silver and precious metals online:
The best way to purchase your silver and precious metals is to shop for them online. As you’ll be able to quickly and effortlessly compare the prices offered by multiple different platforms. You also won’t have to worry about having to negotiate rates on gold and silver products, like you’d have to if you were to visit a gold or pawn broker in person.
Another reason why purchasing gold and silver online, is a wise idea is that if you choose a reputable website, you’ll be guaranteed to receive authentic gold and silver products. As unfortunately there have been some cases in which brick and mortar gold and silver dealers have tried to sell fake gold and silver products to new, unsuspecting clients.
Remember to add up the fees which each platform charges before making a final decision:
Instead of just looking at the prices which each company offers on products such as silver coins and gold bullion bars, remember to take into consideration the total amount of fees, which each platform charges. To figure out the final total that you’ll pay for your order at each different platform. As some online platforms charge multiple fees, that will quickly add up. Such as service charges and credit card charges.
Keep an eye out for possible scams:
Just be sure to research each platform which offers precious metals thoroughly before handing over your credit card details or your bank details. As unfortunately there have been some high profile scams, such as the Lear Capital scam, which you may have heard of. Remember to always complete your due diligence before dealing with a new investment platform.
Purchase a diverse range of gold and silver products:
To create a heavily diversified precious metals collection, aim to purchase a diverse range of gold and silver products. As examples, definitely purchase different gold and silver coins. Such as eagles and Canadian maple leaves as well as gold and silver bullion. You may even want to add a few, rare collectibles to your growing precious metals collection.
Start off by focusing on silver:
While most investors start off by investing in gold, if you’re looking for the best possible investment, start off by investing in silver. As silver is currently priced far lower than it should be and is a fraction of the price of gold. So if you’re looking for an affordable option to kick start your precious metals collection, definitely start off with purchasing inexpensive 1 oz silver coins. Which you’ll be able to purchase from a wide array of online dealers.
Hopefully, you now have all the information which you need in order to start making wise investment decisions when it comes to collecting and accumulating precious metals such as silver and gold.