As a powerful advertising program from Google, AdSense offers you a legit way of making money online from home. With this program, you have a tool that allows users to run ads on their websites, blogs, YouTube Videos, etc. and earn money. You will earn money whenever people click on AdSense ads. It’s important to note that most businesses use Google AdWords program—which in turn helps generate these ads. You will need to use a special AdSense code to feed the ads into your site, blog, video, etc. Even more, if you run a news website or blog, Google AdSense program can help you generate a good income. This makes Google AdSense program an optical choice for those looking to generate more income from their online sites. On these lines, here is all you should know as far as making money from the Google AdSense program is concerned.
Google AdSense program gives you a chance to make real money online. The program is free to join and has few eligibility requirements. This gives you an opportunity to monetize sites—including new ones. The Ads come with lots of options, which you can customize to explicitly fit into your site’s theme. If your site meets the $100 threshold, Google will credit your account without any issues. The best part; you don’t have limits. It’s possible to run ads on numerous sites from a single AdSense account. Plus, these ads can be run on mobile-based devices as well as RSS feeds. The ads can be run on a Blogger as well as YouTube accounts. However, you need at least 1,000 active subscribers and more than 4,000 watch time hours to be able to successfully run them.
AdSense Ads: Types
There are different types of Google ads that you can run on your website. The most common ones include:
Text—one of the most common types of AdSense ads is Text. Text, in most cases, is done in words. They can be either Ad Unit (i.e. one offer) or Link Unit (which includes a list of offers). These ads come in different sizes. The best thing with these ads is that they can be customized to mimic your site’s color, text, or link.
Images—Images are another popular form of AdSense ads. These ads in graphic phones. Graphic ads come in different sizes, which allows you to select an option that fits into your site.
Rich Media—these types of Google AdSense ads may include HTML and videos.
AdSense for Search—the AdSense for search is a special tool that allows customers to incorporate Google search boxes on their sites or blogs. When a user dies a search, the AdSense Ads will be opened through the result page. The best thing with these ads is that they can be customized and harmonized to fit your site’s color scheme.
AdSense Payments
You will be paid through your AdSense account. However, you must reach a threshold of $100 to receive the payment from Google. If you fail to hit the threshold, your earnings will be rolled over to the following month. The AdSense account will give you a breakdown of how to get paid.
How to Maximize Your Earnings with AdSense
To make good money on AdSense, you should devise an elaborate plan. This guide is going to highlight the tips you need to maximize your AdSense revenue.
Adhere To Rules
Google has a set of tough rules when it comes to AdSense. If you flout these rules, you will be banned from using the program. So, read the rules. Stick to them. Don’t ignore any rule. Go through Google’s webmaster policies. Also, don’t forget to read the AdSense program policy.
Don’t Cheat Google
You cannot cheat Google. So, it’s pointless clicking on your own AdSense ads. You will be caught and the consequences can be severe. Also, avoid asking other people to click on your ads. Let it happen naturally. Resorting into incentivizing clicks, using a traffic-driving program, or using PPC space can taint your chances of making real money through AdSense ads.
Great Content
Content matters. Page visits are dependent on the quality of the content you create. So, invest in your content. Create exciting, high-quality content. If its blog posts, ensure that they are creating value. Also, they should be grammatically correct. Great content will bring in more traffic—which translates to high revenue from AdSense.
Optimize For Mobile
Optimize your site for mobile. According to the stats, the modern consumer is leveraging on mobile phones to access the content. Plus, mobile accessibility is growing. This makes mobile the best place to get customers. Thus, ensure that your content is optimized for mobile. From optimizing photos, using Meta tags to incorporating good titles, optimizing your content for mobile will give you more revenues from AdSense.
Test Ad Types
Ads come in different sizes. The most common sixes include:
- Size 300×250
- Size 728×90
- Size 160×600
It’s important to try all these sizes. From here, you will determine the size that leads to more clicks. This will help you maximize revenues from the AdSense program.
Ads above Fold
Have a section on your site that can be viewed without necessarily scrolling it.
Other Tips
Also, consider using the following additional tips and tricks to maximize your AdSense program revenues.
- For more visibility, include more in-content ads
- Monitor the results
- Read all emails from Google regarding the AdSense program. It will help you take the necessary steps to boost your revenues and stick with the rules
- Run experiments
- Consider experimenting with link as well as box colors
- In your site, consider enabling placement targeting to help marketers to choose where to place their ads
The Bottom-Line
Easy to join, free to enroll, and handsome income are some of the best things about Google’s AdSense program. With this program, you can run Ads on your site, YouTube channel, blog, etc. and make an extra income. However, to make good money through this program, you must get things right. Among other things, you should have the right tips and strategies to maximize your income. The above guides contain all things Google’s AdSense program and how it can bring you good money.