We all catch ourselves occasionally wishing that we could afford more. Maybe a coworker keeps talking about the amazing two-week trip her family just returned from. Or your neighbor keeps posting photos on social media of their new Boxer puppy that you wish you could afford for your family.
It’s the little things like this that sometimes leave us feeling incomplete or even jealous.
There are a lot of healthy ways for you to combat these feelings, however. One of the most effective methods of finding contentment in any area of your life is to focus on choosing to be comfortable with what you have.
Other methods of finding your financial contentment include; sharing what you have with others, cutting negative influences out of your life, and living with intention.
In today’s world, it is more difficult than ever before to find financial contentment. It is, however, possible to accomplish and well worth the effort!
Read on to learn more about how you can find your financial happiness.
Stop Comparing Yourself To Other People
You’ve heard it before: comparing yourself to other people is an unhealthy practice.
But, unfortunately, it is common for people to compare themselves to those around them, especially those they consider to be in their peer group.
Unfortunately, from a very early age, this is how we learn to gauge our place in this world, and it is a tough habit to break.
If you have trouble comparing yourself to those you consider more financially successful, try to remind yourself that you can’t know the other person’s life. Appearances are not everything. The family or coworker you envy may have struggles you can’t see.
Rather than letting your feelings of discontent get the better of you, focus on what you do have. Actively focusing on things you are grateful for is a powerful antidote.
Cut Out Constant Reminders To Buy More
Our culture is driven by consumerism, and therefore constantly reminding you of what you don’t have. If you let it happen, ads can become an overwhelming presence in your life—with TV, radio, your phone, and internet ads streaming in constantly.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed by advertisements, turn them off. It sounds simple because it is. Unsubscribe from company and advertorial emails. If a particular channel or TV program makes you wish you had more glamour in your life, stop watching it!
Instead, focus on things you can do with your time to improve the way you feel about your space and your belongings.
You’ll be amazed what a bit of hard work can do for your home with little to no money. Not only will your space inevitably feel cleaner and fresher, but you’ll have a sense of pride in your work.
Commit To An Intentional Decision To Be Content
Taking a sense of pride in your work will serve you well in all areas of your life. Your goals of financial contentment are easier to accomplish when you feel a sense of pride in how you spend your time and provide for your family—click here for more information.
Take that feeling one step further. Keep it in sharp focus when faced with luxuries that may be tempting you to feel less than someone else.
Your intention to focus on the good you have accomplished in your own life rather than what your neighbor is accomplishing will be a buoying force against discontentment.
Identify The Difference Between Needs And Wants
Many people in the modern world have trouble identifying the difference between their wants and their needs. You need few things aside from water, shelter from the elements, and food.
When you live your entire life without fear that you’ll lose these things, it can be challenging to accept that a two-bedroom apartment with running water is a luxury, not a requirement to live—more on this topic at Medium.
When you keep a clear idea of what you actually need and what you simply want, it is immeasurably easier to be content with what you have. If you aren’t sure which things fall into which categories, take some time to think about it. What do you really need? With that in focus, everything else is a bonus.
Give Yourself The Gift Of Gifting Others
Sometimes, we struggle to see how much we have, regardless of our efforts to be thankful. In times like this, it is vital to reach out to those around us in need. You can give in any number of ways, including your time, money, knowledge, and even your belongings.
When you turn your focus outwards on the needs and struggles of other people, you focus significantly less on the things you want for yourself. You begin to realize how many things you take for granted without so much as a second thought.
If you do not think that you are in a good enough place financially to give, that’s okay. There is no shame in taking care of yourself or your family before you try to do for others.
Here are some easy ways to give back that don’t cost much:
- Volunteer your time and effort for a good cause.
- Clean out unwanted items from your home and donate them to shelters or non-profits that help people in need.
- Buy a few can goods for the local food bank.
Either of these options will help open your eyes and give you a better view of what you have to be grateful for.
Acknowledge and Accept That You Are Flawed
It is essential to start each day fresh with a nice, clean slate to reach your financial contentment goal.
You will have days that you do well at practicing financial contentment, and you will have days that you slip up. Sometimes you are bound to find yourself thinking that you deserve more or want more.
Don’t give those negative feelings and thoughts any more power. Instead, focus on your blessings and your intention to continue moving forward with financial contentment.