Microsoft excel has 341 unique functions. Most of these functions are accessible through built-in shortcuts.
To make the most of excel, you want to know at least some shortcuts. Continue reading to learn ten excel shortcuts that will transform your spreadsheets.
How Do Excel Shortcuts Help You?
You might be wondering why .net excel shortcuts are so important. The biggest reason is that it saves time. Using a simple command of one or two buttons is significantly faster than doing everything manually with your mouse.
Some of the commands might help you learn how to do new tasks in excel. If you didn’t know that excel was able to do mathematical calculations quickly, you might waste a lot of time doing them yourself.
It also makes you look smart. Knowing these excel shortcuts will look great when proving yourself to a new boss. Your coworkers will also likely be impressed if they didn’t already know the shortcuts themselves.
Top 10 Excel Shortcuts You Need to Know
The ten excel shortcuts listed below are must-knows. They can help you perform basic functions in no time flat.
1. Addition
To add up two or more numbers, you can use the “+” symbol. Highlight the cells you want to be added.
2. Subtraction
To subtract two or more numbers, you can use the “-” symbol. Highlight the cells you want to subtract.
3. Multiplication
You can also multiply two or more numbers by using the “*” symbol. Highlight the cells you want to multiply.
4. Division
To divide two numbers, use the “/” symbol. Highlight the cells you want to divide.
5. Getting Averages
You can get an average of two or more numbers without doing any math yourself. Use the command “=AVERAGE(Cell Range)” and highlight the cells you want the average for.
6. Getting Sums For Columns
If you want to get the sum for a total column instead of just two or three cells, there’s a .net excel shortcut for that. Just use the command “=SUM(Cell Range)” and then highlight the column you want a total for. Alternatively, you can input the column name instead of highlighting.
7. Open a Workbook
If you want to open a new workbook, press the control button and N at the same time. If you want to open an existing workbook, press the control button and O at the same time.
8. Undo or Redo Actions
To undo an action you just did, press the control button and Z at the same time. If you want to redo an action, press the control button and Y at the same time.
9. Spellcheck
Getting your document spellchecked is simple. Just press F7.
10. Controlling the Ribbon
If you want to show or hide the ribbon, the command is the same. Just press the control button and F1 at the same time. If the ribbon is currently shown, it will go away and vice versa.
For More Information
The excel shortcuts listed above can help transform your spreadsheets and help you accomplish your projects faster. Although these ten are important to know, there is a ton more you could learn.
Do you want to learn more about excel shortcuts or the program itself? Check out our other blog posts for useful information.