With each year that passes there seem to be more and more people who are turning to the internet as a way to make additional cash, or even make a living. I personally always thought that these people had computer skills which I didn’t, but I have since learned that this simply isn’t the case. In face last year, a good friend of mine Matthew F Knouff, reached out to me about ways in which I could help him with his online endeavors. After spending a lot of time with my friend, I quickly realized that I too could find ways in which I could make some extra cash online.
What started out as a way to make some additional money, has since turned into my full time job and I absolutely love the benefits which this life brings me. If you have any doubts about whether you should look for a living online, here is why it is such a great way of life.
Location Freedom
One of my favorite things about working online is the fact that as long as I have my laptop and an internet connection, I can work from anywhere in the world. Some days I’ll go work in a cafe, others in a library, I can work on trains, on beaches, at iconic landmarks, anywhere that has a connection. I love the freedom this gives me and I also love the fact that I could work right from my bed if I so wish. There is no other job in the world which can offer you that kind of freedom.
No Commute
In my old job I used to drive an hour to work and an hour back again which cost me time and money. In fact, as much as I enjoyed my old job, the commute was one of the most dreaded aspects of my day. I was thinking recently that I would have spent 10 hours per week, just driving to and from work, across the space of a month, that is essentially 2 days! Working online saves me 2 days of my life, each and every month, how much could you save?
No Requests
I used to hate asking my boss for a day off, a vacation or a sick day, it was like I was asking them to give me free money or something. Thankfully, now that I work online, I can take a day off whenever I like, if I go on vacation, I can choose to work or not to work and I can take any free time which I like. Naturally you will have deadlines and time limits on the work which you do, but as long as you can manage that, you can have as much time as you want, whenever you want, without asking someone like it was a favor, a massive plus to working on the internet.