Many would say that trying to live a happy life is humanity’s most worthwhile pursuit. But with all the challenges we face in our current daily existence, feeling happy on a daily basis is something we need to constantly work at. Setting and achieving goals is one of the best ways to enjoy a sense of accomplishment, and learning to set achievable goals is an important skill when trying to live a happy life.
“Setting small goals that you can meet every day is a personal strategy I use to feel fulfilled and successful in the short term. Regularly setting and achieving goals, no matter the size, gives the body a well-deserved dopamine release, which in turn reinforces the formation of good habits, which contributes towards happiness,” says Robert Colville, Founder & Managing Director of The Lazy Trader.
1. Be grateful – Every morning you wake up is an opportunity to bring happiness to yourself. Wear a smile, sing a song as you take a shower, make your favourite morning dance, look in the mirror and reassure yourself that you’ll have a fantastic day.
2. Feed on positive vibes– Like begets like. If you want joy, excitement, satisfaction, pride, fulfilment to come your way, listen, read and interact with stuff that resonates with these positive emotions.
Listen to a motivation podcast, read personal stories of other successful people, smile at a stranger and see how radiant they’ll be, do a simple act of kindness, and do anything else that will make you feel happy.
3. Concentrate on your success and strengths– When you fail, as you’ll often do, be optimistic and find lessons to take with you. Concentrate on your strengths and congratulate yourself for the effort you made. Consider your accomplishment before proceeding to the new tasks.
4. Assess yourself regularly- You can check your accomplishment weekly to help make adjustments for the future. Reward yourself, talk to someone about your achievement, no matter how small.
5. Check your company- Choose relationships that build and encourage you. Genuine friends will reprimand you and reward you in equal measure. A support system is a significant need for anyone who wants to be happy. Above all, love and celebrate yourself.
Hopefully, reading this article has given you some actionable advice you can use to living a happier daily existence. Goal setting is a key takeaway from this and is a skill to be practised. It doesn’t come overnight, and requires dedication – however once achieved, you will enjoy an ongoing sense of accomplishment, which will help lead a happy daily life.