Helping your loved one struggling with alcohol and drug addiction is a heartbreaking and long journey. Sometimes, ignoring such situations seems easier, but their results can be overwhelming. Hiding such issues from your family and friends can be more dangerous for an addicted person. Ten out of hundred addicted people ask their families and friends for help, and ninety percent of people rely on sweeping the issue under the rug because they don’t want their families to know about their addiction. If your loved one is involved in such activities, then you must encourage and motivate your loved one to get the help he/she needs to overcome the drug addiction.
Understand Why People Become Drug Addicts
People started to consume alcohol and drugs for many reasons. People from all walks of life can experience it regardless of race, background, and age. Teenagers experiment with drugs out of curiosity, to impress their friends, or sometimes to ease problems like anxiety, stress, or depression. Not only drugs and alcohol make them drug addicts, but some of them use cocaine, sleeping pills, painkillers, and tranquilizers, which cause the same problems.
Other than teenagers, adults are also struggling with these problems. Sometimes due to financial pressure, family issues, or job problems can lead them towards destruction. When they started to consume drugs or alcohol, they feel high and stress-free. Gradually they become drug abuser and make their lives more challenging.
How People Become Drug Abusers or Addicts
There is a visible line between drug addiction, drug abuse, and regular drug use. Very few people can recognize when they crossed the boundary. Sometimes the regular user of alcohol unintentionally become an addict. At times a strong desire to fit in a group of people they become drug abuser. Most people started to take drugs because they wanted to escape from their responsibilities, and they want to relax. They think to get high is the only solution, but eventually, it becomes a problem.
How Does Drug Work
Alcohol and drugs both are poisons. Their amount of consumption determines the effect. When a drug abuser takes a small amount, it speeds you up for work, but when it takes in the greater amount, it acts as a sedative. Drugs directly affect the mind whether you consume small or greater amount. They can distort the drug abuser’s perception of what is happening around him. They make us unconscious and provide help in the relief of pain. They destroy the creativity of a person either he/she teenager, adult, or old.
Physical and Social Effects
Drugs can negatively affect almost our whole body. These substances are physically and emotionally dangerous. They can affect the basic functioning of a person. A drug abuser loses his job, family, and friends. Drug abuse can cause liver damage or kidney failure, weakened immune system, abdominal pain, nausea or vomiting, and even lead to death.
Getting Help for Drug Abuse
If you know your loved one is suffering from substance abuse, you can help him or her in many ways. In this modern age, there are many rehab centers are helping addicts to get back their new and healthy lives. The first step is alcohol detox, the process of letting the body remove the drug in it. Detoxification needs proper supervision because it can lead to severe dehydration. By admitting your loved one in these rehab centers, you can help him or her to get back to a healthy life.