Nobody ever wants to get sick but it’s particularly disheartening when you get sick during the winter. The cold winter months drag on and we feel run down, tired and groggy when a winter cold hits seemingly out of nowhere.
Sometimes these colds are completely unavoidable no matter how hard you try to prevent them. So you may need to visit with the ENT doctors at SCENT to get proper medical care from expert specialists.
On the other hand, there are other things you can do to keep your body hale and healthy and avoid getting sick. So if you take the information that we’re about to share with you today and use it, you’ll avoid colds, the flu, and viruses this winter.
1. Remember to Get Vaccinated This Winter
Believe it or not, you’d be surprised to hear how many people fail to get vaccinated each year. The flu runs rampant during the winter and many people unnecessarily end up getting this cold because they aren’t protected.
Instead of leaving yourself susceptible to influenza, listen to the CDC and get a flu vaccination before the season begins. The flu virus runs rampant when you least expect it and you could easily end up getting sick if you aren’t careful.
The best part about the flu vaccine is that it contains influenza antigens. These antigens wake up the immune system and create signals that will allow it to produce antibodies. Once the antibodies are created, they will attack the invading flu virus and protect your body from the flu. Once this protection is in place, you’ll find it much more difficult to get sick, which is what we all want anyway.
2. Properly Disinfect Your Surfaces at Home
On certain occasions, it might be necessary to visit your ENT doctor in Litchfield because your body wasn’t prepared to handle potential ear, nose, and throat illnesses this winter. But you can take the necessary steps to avoid visiting your primary care doctor or a specialist during the colder weather months.
One method is to make it a point to disinfect surfaces to protect you and your family against colds and flu viruses. Whether you know it or not, viruses have a tendency to survive on many of the surfaces within your home. So, instead of letting them run amuck, you can clean up and disinfect the surfaces to kill these viruses dead in their tracks.
The surfaces most susceptible to becoming home to viruses include paper, glass, plastic, metal, and fabrics. If you disinfect these areas, you’ll experience much less risk of catching an infection when using these products. Disinfect them using bleach or alcohol for the best effects. Remember to clean up your keyboards, desktop, countertops, and more to keep unwanted nasty winter viruses at bay.
3. Keep Your Air Clean
One necessary preventative health tactic to avoid illnesses during the winter is to keep your air clean and free of illness. The flu and common cold viruses have a tendency to create respiratory problems since they are both considered respiratory infections. Because these viruses replicate within your mucous membranes along your respiratory tract, tiny droplets of mucus will carry them and they can travel through the air when you cough or sneeze.
So if someone in your family has the flu or cold virus, they’ll infect your entire home as soon as they sneeze or cough. In fact, it’s said that the flu virus can travel a little over 12 feet when a person sneezes or coughs.
To prevent others from getting sick when you have the flu, you have to take the necessary steps to properly cover up your mouth whenever you have to cough or sneeze. Make sure you cover your entire mouth with both hands or cover your mouth within the crook of your arm so you don’t spread cold and flu viruses throughout your home.
It’s obvious that no one wants to get sick during the winter. Heck, no one wants to get sick at any time of the year. But colds and flu viruses run rampant when it’s cold outside so we need to be prepared.
The best way to prevent colds and flu during the winter is to use the tips shared above. Keep the air clean in your home if you’re sick to prevent spreading viruses across the house. Disinfect your surfaces to kill potential viruses dead in their tracks. And always remember to get vaccinated. If you use these suggestions, you will have a much better chance of avoiding getting sick during the winter this year.