Did you know that around 45 percent of people say that they have a preference regarding the gender of the doctor that they receive treatment from?
It’s equally reasonable if you want to choose the gender of your therapist.
Of course, every therapist is unique. But, the therapist’s gender can affect your therapy more than you realize.
If you’re considering whether you should visit a female or male therapist, you need to know the benefits of both.
Keep reading the below to learn more about the benefits of seeking treatment from a male therapist. Let’s get started!
1. You Just Feel More Comfortable
For many men and women, the gender of the therapist depends on whether they feel comfortable or not.
You may not know why – but you feel more comfortable speaking openly with a male psychologist, rather than a female one.
Especially if you’re a man yourself, you may feel that you can better connect with someone who also experienced the world as a man.
If you’re particularly struggling with the pressure society places on men, then you may believe that a male therapist can relate better than a woman to this.
2. You Want the “Other” Perspective
However, it’s not men who may prefer a male therapist. If you’re a woman, you may also benefit from the “other” perspective.
Not every woman is the same. But, you may feel that you know how women think about problems and work out solutions.
This may cause you to hide your secrets from your therapists or try to trick them with lies.
But, would you find it as easy to fool your male therapist? He won’t eat up your nonsense in the same way.
3. Male Therapists are Rare
Just because something is rare, that doesn’t mean it’s any better. The legendary figures in psychology are men, notably Sigmund Freud.
However, you should know that male therapists aren’t very common anymore. In fact, only 20 percent of graduates in clinical psychology are male.
If you get a good male therapist, you’re speaking to a rare species. They’re definitely worth keeping!
4. They Know Masculinity Well
Many men seek therapy because they have issues with masculinity, sexuality or aggression. These problems aren’t exclusively experienced by men.
However, many men who experience such problems want the company of a male therapist.
You may be experiencing anger management problems? You could be struggling with outbursts of aggressive behavior?
The sympathy of another man may be just whant you need. There are many excellent female therapists who may also understand the challenges of “toxic masculinity”. But, you may want someone who has the experience themselves.
Benefits of a Male Therapist
If you’re wondering whether you should go to therapy or not. You may want to consider the gender of your therapist.
If this is important to you, you may decide that if you’re going to seek therapy it needs to be under the supervision of a male therapist.
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