The elderly population requires special care to promote their well-being. This care is related to the body, the mind, emotional health and also preventive health, which are intended to prevent other problems from arising. Each elderly person has their own unique needs, so it’s important for caregivers to have personalized senior care plans.
Caring for the elderly at night is not a simple task either. Both the responsible family member and the professional caregiver need to have skills and adequate preparation to play a good role.
Want to know more? Check out our 5 fundamental tips to help care for the elderly at night. Enjoy reading!
1. Make the Environment Pleasant
To guarantee a good night’s sleep, it is necessary that the conditions are favorable, right? Details like good quality mattresses and pillows cannot be ignored. For the elderly to sleep well, the spine and trunk should be aligned to facilitate blood circulation.
In addition, keep the room very clean, airy, air-conditioned, with the minimum possible brightness and without noise. Such care is essential to improve the quality of sleep in old age.
2. Understand That Each Elderly Person is Different
Many elderly people complain of difficulty sleeping, as they cannot easily fall asleep. To minimize these issues, it is advisable to organize the elderly’s routine, so that he does some physical activity or gets involved in tasks for the elderly. These activities should preferably be done in the morning.
Typically, if the elderly exercise less or sleeps during the day, this causes their bodies to tire less, which makes it difficult to sleep at night. It is worth remembering that each elderly person is different and has their own peculiarities. Have an open conversation and find out the best way to help them.
3. Avoid Activities That Alter the Sleep
Some activities can compromise the elderly’s sleep. Avoid walking, physical therapy or any physical exercises in the late afternoon or before bed. Having regular times for feeding, bathing and resting are essential to maintaining a healthy routine.
4. Be Prepared for Night Calls
In old age, there are several issues that can cause the greatest number of awakenings at night, such as the urge to urinate, superficial sleep and breathing problems. Therefore, the responsibility to care for the elderly at night requires special attention to help them at these times.
5. Watch Out for an Eventual Problem or Emergency
The caregiver needs to be attentive in the event of an eventuality or emergency situation that requires the companion to be referred to the hospital. Typically, patients with recurrent apnea attacks, serious illnesses and heart problems deserve special attention.
In this context, the caregiver must update himself on the medical care that the elderly need to provide a quality service. Knowing the most appropriate conduct in the event of an emergency can save lives.
Finally, it is clear that the task of caring for the elderly at night requires the development of different skills. In addition, it is also necessary to have some specific knowledge and technical preparation to ensure that the elderly has a peaceful and healthy sleep.