Did you know that sharks can regrow their teeth throughout their life?
It’s amazing because humans only develop two sets of teeth – baby, and adult. These include wisdom teeth, which, more often than not, have to be removed.
You see in some patients, wisdom teeth are able to emerge properly. They experience little to no pain, and may not need to undergo wisdom teeth removal.
In most patients though, not removing this extra set of molars can lead to health complications, which is why you have to watch out for the signs you need your wisdom teeth removed.
That being said, here are 5 signs you need to consider wisdom teeth surgery.
1. Pain
Sensitivity or pain in the back of your one is one of the first signs your wisdom teeth are erupting. You may feel this while eating, brushing your teeth, or even when you’re doing nothing at all.
If the pain persists and continues to become more intense, don’t bother asking, “Do I need my wisdom teeth removed?” anymore. See your dentist right away before you experience even worse symptoms such as pulsating headaches, as well as pain in your ear and jaw.
2. Inflammation
One question patients often ask has to do with when to get wisdom teeth out. As with everything, timing is important.
Wisdom teeth removal is better when the patient is a young adult. That’s because healing is faster and better, and it also prevents future problems such as periodontitis.
You don’t want to wait for emerging wisdom teeth to cause inflammation in the gums. When your gums become swollen and red or feel sore when you’re brushing the wisdom teeth area, it’s time to book an appointment with your dentist.
3. Cysts
You’ve decided to wait since you’re able to tolerate the pain and the inflammation, but then you notice the sacs of fluid developing in your mouth.
Well, if you’re still unsure about having your wisdom teeth removed, this is a clear sign for you to stop waiting. You need to go to your dentist right away.
When you let the cysts be, they’ll end up impacting and damaging the roots of nearby teeth. That means you may end up spending not just on wisdom teeth removal but also for the extraction of your other teeth.
4. Tooth Infections
If you’re getting repeated tooth infections, especially in the area where your wisdom teeth are, it means bacteria have flooded the area. This is common for patients with impacted wisdom teeth.
Now, your dentist could give you antibiotics to treat the infection. However, if it keeps coming back, it’s likely your dentist will recommend you consider wisdom teeth surgery.
5. Sinus Problems
It seems weird, but sinus problems can cause dental issues, and vice versa. So if you’re experiencing congestion, pain or pressure with your sinuses, along with the other symptoms listed here, consider a dental check-up asap.
Other Signs You Need Your Wisdom Teeth Removed
Jaw pain and stiffness, tooth decay and damage to neighboring teeth, bad breath, and more could also be signs that you’re due for wisdom teeth removal.
Don’t wait until you experience these symptoms. Keep up with your regular dental check-ups, so your dentist can assess whether you’re a candidate for wisdom teeth surgery. Remember, the earlier the better, to avoid further dental complications.
Need More Dental Advice?
Now that you know the 5 signs you need your wisdom teeth removed, keep on browsing for more dental tips and advice.
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