Does your young child deal with high levels of stress and anxiety on a regular or semi-regular basis? If so, you may be browsing your options for over the counter medicine for anxiety and stress as well as other treatment possibilities. Although small children may require different stress and anxiety treatments than adults might, you can still help your child feel better with these five targeted strategies.
1. Help Your Child Get Into a Stress-Reducing Morning Routine
One fun and easy way to help your child lower his or her stress levels both immediately and over time is to help him or her get into a regular morning routine. Studies have shown that having a morning routine to reduce stress is a great way to start the day off on the right foot and get into a relaxed and positive frame of mind. Your child could start a simple routine of reading or meditating for fifteen minutes each morning before getting ready for school, for example.
2. Teach Your Little One Healthy Coping Mechanisms
The best way to equip your child for long-term stress management is to teach him or her healthy coping mechanisms early on. You can practice these at home or with a therapist. Some simple mechanisms to try out include:
- Counting slowly to ten
- Taking deep breaths
- Focusing on the positive
- Journaling about frustrating feelings
- Talking it out with a trusted loved one
3. Consult With Your Doctor About Medication and Supplement Options
If you believe your child is suffering from diagnosable generalized anxiety disorder, you may want to consult with a pediatrician right away. Anxiety is generally treatable either by therapy, by prescription medication or by over-the-counter supplements such as Brillia anxiety medication for children.
4. Model Good Anxiety Relief Techniques
Making sure you and other adults in your home model good anxiety relief techniques in front of your child is crucial. Your child is likely to mirror your behaviors and imitate actions he or she sees at home. To help your child learn healthy habits, be sure to:
- Demonstrate good coping behaviors to your child when you face stressful situations
- Practice slow breathing and calmness in the home
- Talk openly about your feelings and how you manage them
- Take care in what you say around your kids
5. Plans Lots of Soothing Family Activities With Your Kids
Lastly, don’t forget that making your home life as pleasant as possible can go a long way in calming and soothing your child. If you don’t already, try organizing more bonding time for the whole family. For instance, you could:
- Go for a family picnic
- Spend the weekend camping or going to the park
- Play a board game
- Watch a family-friendly movie
- Host a friendly sports event
- Draw, paint or do arts and crafts
Incorporate calming tools like fidget rings, which can help release nervous energy and promote relaxation for both kids and adults. When your child’s stress or anxiety levels flare up, you may be wondering what the best treatment options are. By implementing these five strategies, you can help your child feel better and cope with his or her anxiety as quickly, easily and effectively as possible.