Drugs are essential elements in the body, mainly when prescribed by the doctor to treat complications. More so, most drugs accompany varying degree of body impact while performing the intended function in the body. On the other hand, there are certain drugs which are more harmful and dangerous to the body comprising of both short and long-term effects as well as direct and indirect impact to body organs. Others may become addicted to specific or multiple drugs henceforth ending up abusing such elements. As such, below are health adversities of drug intake to the body.
1. Behavioural Dangers
Changes in behaviour are among the dangers associated with drug intake and can become maladaptive and accompany adverse negative impacts. Some of the risks include aggressiveness, hallucinations, impulsiveness, impaired judgments, and loss of self-control, among others. Change in behaviour may lead to substantial consequences such as accidents and injuries, mental problems, and punishable convictions. Besides, behavioural changes may lead to depression in conjunction with other issues such as financial glitches. As such, individuals with such behavioural dangers, for instance, may acquire a rehabilitation program of orange county drug rehab and return to normal states of life and likewise.
2. Impact To Unborn Babies
Pregnant women are among groups vulnerable to dangers of drug intake, especially on unborn babies when utilizing illicit drugs. With the impurities readily available on many substances, the fetus may become susceptible to abnormal activities as well as poor nutrition. Similarly, drugs may result in immature births or babies born underweight. Other babies may be born and get affected by withdrawal symptoms such as neonatal abstinence syndrome, defects, or learning problems. Besides, women addicted to drug intake may become infertile or undergo frequent pregnancy problems such as ectopic pregnancies.
3. Deterioration Of Body Organs
Alcohol, marijuana, and tobacco are widespread and used by different people around the world primarily linked to culture, social, and religious activities. Study shows that when certain drugs remain consumed moderately or at low quantities, there are health benefits of these elements to the body, but abuses accompany significant health dangers to the body. Among the risks is the threat to delicate body organs such as the brain, liver, lung, and kidneys, which are vital parts. Excessive alcohol consumption accompanies different health problems, including liver cirrhosis and cancer, cardiomyopathy, pancreatitis, and hepatitis. Tobacco smoke through cigarettes primarily damages the lungs and heart while marijuana smoking focuses on destroying the brain through behavioural changes.
4. Addition And Physical Dependence
When using the drug for some time then the body has difficulties remaining in a stable condition without the substance, then an individual becomes an addict. Addiction may either be physical or psychological due to lack of control of how the mind works. Physical addition entails the body depending wholly on the substance while becoming tolerant over time; therefore, there exist the urge to take more to feel better. On the other hand, psychological addition comprises of emotions and psychology desires for the drug or triggered by the environment. As a health problem, the addiction may lead to the body becoming entirely dependent on the drug that staying without may lead to depression, anxiety, and sometimes blacking out.
5. Risk Of Infections
Any individual under the influence of drugs, especially alcohol, may engage in activities such as unprotected sex leading to infections. Others may also share sharp objects such as needles to inject drugs into the body. Both individuals are vulnerable to get infected to dangerous diseases such as HIV and Hepatitis B and C. Subsequently; you may spread other conditions such as flu and cold while sharing pipes used for inhaling drugs. Any infection getting into the body results in health dangers, especially HIV, which may lead to death on inappropriate medical attention. With an individual not aware of the event, most of them may end up becoming sick accidentally due to the influence of drug intake.
6. Accidents And Death
Taking drugs may accompany other significant health damages resulting in drug-related deaths which have been on the rise for the last three decades. Alcohol and other related drugs may result in accidents such as road tragedies leading to deaths of pedestrians, the user, or other drivers. More so, excessive intake of drugs may also result in suicidal thoughts or homicides contributing to drug-related deaths.
Other deaths resulting from drug intake are overdoses leading to bodily harm on instances of inadequate dosages. Other than immediate impact to the body, there exist many accidental deaths resulting from drug abuse henceforth becoming among the health dangers of substance use.
Drug intake is among the major contributor to the deterioration of body health, primarily when not utilized in the required quality. Other significant factors include addition and drug abuse, which also play a substantial role in endangering the health of the user. As such, it is essential to seek medical support in rehabilitation centres for the benefit of minimizing the health impacts of drug intake. On the other hand, ensure you take drugs as prescribed by your doctor to ensure you do not end up risking your health.