Mesothelioma is a tumor within the layers of the internal organs, especially on the chest wall, and sometimes on the lungs. Those affected due to workplace exposure or any other risk factors can seek help at medical facilities and through mesothelioma lawyers, they may also seek compensation. Older people are more at risk compared to young people since it takes almost ten to fifty years for the tumor to be diagnosed. But young people are also at risk nowadays due to lifestyle changes, environmental impact, and genetic makeup.
Below are some of the risk factors of mesothelioma in young people;
1. Exposure to asbestos
Pleural mesothelioma is common in people who are exposed to asbestos at the workplace. Other family members especially, young children may also breathe in asbestos from their parents’ clothes or at the workplace, hence the rapid increase of mesothelioma cases in young people. Hugging their parents from the workplace, visiting, or children playing at their parent’s workplace exposes kids to asbestos. That way at a young age, they may develop mesothelioma tumors. Peritoneal mesothelioma occurs after inhaling the asbestos fumes which causes coughing and consequently swallowing of the asbestos fiber to the stomach. They may cause tumors on the abdominal organs.
2. Radiation
Young people undergoing radiation to treat other forms of cancer develop mesothelioma early too. The risk increases with exposure to asbestos especially at the workplace, or due to environmental exposure. In some countries, especially some parts of Turkey, there are high zeolite minerals. The mineral is linked to asbestos production, and since young people travel a lot, they get exposure to asbestos which causes mesothelioma. Exposure to Erionite, a mineral mainly found in Utah, Arizona, and Nevada among other states in the US may also lead to mesothelioma.
3. Genetic mutation
Some people inherit the BAP1 gene from their parents. The gene is linked to mesothelioma, but it is rare. For children born with it, they may develop mesothelioma early in life. For such cases, nothing much can be done. It cannot be prevented, but research shows that such cases are rare.
4. Exposure to environmental factors
Young people may also be at risk of developing mesothelioma due to environmental factors. Children’s toys and school buildings, or even home buildings may be built with asbestos products. It can increase the exposure to asbestos at a young age, and the risk of developing tumors at a young age will also increase. Children’s products including talc powder have also been linked with traces of asbestos. Measures to reduce exposure of asbestos to children can help reduce the risk of developing tumors.
Precautions to help eliminate asbestos in building and children products, as well as other household products, can help reduce the risk of developing mesothelioma. Those affected may also seek legal help especially, due to the negligence of the parties involved so that they can seek compensation. Mesothelioma is a serious health complication that could also be fatal. Patients deserve compensation, and this will be possible if you follow the right legal procedure.