Sometimes our bodies get tensed, or we have muscle pulls that can be relieved by massages. Massages are essential even when we are okay with no body cramps. They are associated with many benefits to them.
Various massages aim at multiple parts of our bodies. Remedial Massage or deep tissue trigger point massages break down muscle knots and scar tissues. Muscle knots are bands of painfully hard muscle tissues.
Tense muscles cause trigger points. Let us discuss some of the benefits of deep tissue trigger point massage therapy and how it can improve your health.
- Reduces Pain
When muscles fail to relax, they form a rigid and painful knot. The knot can stop the circulation of blood. One can feel pain in the areas near the knot. For example, a knot in the back can cause neck pains.
Deep tissue massage is used to loosen the tight band of tissues causing pain. Deep tissue massage therapy is used to treat several conditions. These are stiff necks, lower back pains, and fibromyalgia, to mention a few.
Trigger point massage is also used to reduce all types of pain. It is used to address and treat pain when a patient goes for medical pain relief in the hospital.
It is scientifically proven that massages alleviate chronic pain faster than medications.
- Stress Relief
Sometimes you can have a stressful week from disputes or pressure at work, and home and all you do is look forward to the weekend where you can unwind. Different people have different ways of unwinding.
Some prefer going out to clubs and meeting friends while others prefer a little adventure. Some prefer massage sessions.
Deep tissue massage therapy is a good stress reliever. Massages increase oxytocin hormone levels that help the body relax. Sometimes, stress results in tight muscles and frequent tension headaches. Massages address all these, unlike drinking, which will only increase headaches.
- Improve Posture
Do you have an upright posture? One may have a slouching posture caused by tight muscles. Massage therapy is used to loosen these tense muscles and reduce pain. It relaxes the muscles around the neck, shoulders, back, and other areas that interfere with an upright posture.
- Decrease Headache
It is natural to have migraines or headaches that do not alarm. The headaches can be due to stress, fatigue, and hunger, to mention a few. Usually, most people treat these headaches with painkillers. It is not advisable to regularly take medicine because bacteria can build a resistance against the drugs.
Not every headache needs medical pain relief. Some require a massage to help relieve muscle tension hence a decrease in headaches. The soothing effect and sense of relaxation that comes from being massaged is a pain reliever.
Normalize having a message and taking a lot of water when having constant headaches. However, if it persists, then consult a doctor.
- Aids Recovery After Injury
Injuries happen now and then. It can happen when you are at the field playing with your mates or athletes on a racecourse. An athlete may be racing and fall, resulting in an ankle injury.
The first step would be to massage the injury to help reduce pain and stiffness and restore a range of motion so that the athlete can limp or walk. The massage ensures an improvement of circulation around the injury by reducing swelling.
Upon a doctor’s visit, he may advise you to massage the damage to increase the healing process of the sprain. Click here to read more.
Massages should be embraced even when we are at a good place health wise. They help the body to unplug and relax.
Pregnant women need a massage to help reduce swelling of their legs and alleviate the pain in their lower back. Since most of these women sleep in one position, their muscles might stiffen, hence needing a massage.
People opt for deep tissue massage to treat sports injuries or chronic pain because it targets the deep layers of muscles. It reduces arthritis symptoms by easing tension and relieving arthritis pain, making it possible for patients to move around. Massages also lower blood pressure and heart rates. There are many benefits linked to massages giving us reasons why we should at least have a massage once in a while.