Sleeping robs from us the sense of self-control or defense, we let loose and unconsciously slip into the land of the unknown, and that is why Sleep is man’s Factory reset. For example, when you go to bed angry, you will wake up the next morning cool, composed and able to reason out; the flight and fight mode is automatically uninstalled by sleep.
- Work Out– Ever tried going to bed when you have done absolutely nothing, well you will be able to close your eyes but your mind will be out and about. So we need to make sure that our minds and eyes are in sync during bedtime, and one of the easiest ways of achieving this is by working out. When you do the latter your body gets exhausted and will need rest.
Exercises are, however, best done early in the morning or in the evening, but you can also do some simple stretching exercises as you prepare for sleep. The benefits of exercises done half an hour before bedtime is that they will help you fall asleep faster and for longer hours thus improve your mood when you get up in the morning.
- Get a comfortable mattress or bed-
Did you know that an uncomfortable mattress could impact your health negatively, and the first thing that you will suffer from is back pain, and your lungs and throat could also get irritated? A bad mattress and an uncomfortable bed is a recipe for heart disorders and premature aging, some people tend to feel drowsy or tired in the afternoons because of lying on a poor mattress.
But with Jordan’s furniture, all of the above will be a thing of the past and you will only interact with the conditions in magazines. A poor bed and mattress will, therefore, inhibit your overall productivity because you will lack sleep and consequently become tired and irritable.
- Have a sleep schedule- When you go to bed your body repairs itself, but some people don’t operate with time, they sleep at any time and wake up when they have to. Your body is like a computer whichever software program that you install on it, it will stick to it and that is why you find that when you don’t stick to a sleep schedule, you wake up feeling tired and grumpy.
So to avoid the latter stick to a specific sleeping and getting up time even on the weekends, your body will adjust to that and you will notice that you will be having trouble going to bed past the set time. Even more important is that you will fall and stay asleep thus be very productive the following day.
- Eliminate the cat naps–
Cat naps are very fulfilling and can have you fueled up for the remaining part of the day. Trouble will, however, come knocking at night as you try to fall asleep; if you experience the above then best you avoid the afternoon catnaps. Besides, late-night sleep or a disrupted sleeping pattern will mess with your waking up time and during the day, your whole body will be too heavy for you to do anything constructive and that is how you will be addicted to the vicious cycle of catnapping.
- Activate sleep mode– unless you are out clubbing the best thing to do as you prepare to get into bed is to engage in a calming activity. Avoid loud music or the use of electronic devices like laptops and tablets that have bright light, the above will activate your brain and make it hard for you to fall asleep. Instead get a book to read before sleeping, remember that your body has to shift to sleep mode prior to.
And even better is that you can find a sleep ritual to perform before sleeping which will help you relax the mind. There are many activities that people do as they prepare to sleep which makes them anxious, excited or stressed and which should be avoided to protect one’s mental health.
- Use clean beddings, set the right bedroom temperatures and arrange your room accordingly–
Well you cannot trick your mind into sleeping in an unkempt bedroom, or on dirty beddings; your mind will have trouble going into sleep because the whole time you will be evaluating the 1000 things that can happen to you if you continue lying on that bed or staying in that room.
And even if you manage to slip into slumber, you will not be able to maintain sleep, such that even the slightest noise or movement will have you ready to jump out of bed. Your room temperature also has a lot to do with the quality of sleep that you will be getting, therefore, too cold or too hot a room will deny you the opportunity of falling asleep in the first place.
Therefore, ensure that the temperatures are maintained between 60 and 67 degrees, which is cool, and good for you to fall into a deep slumber.
- Avoid large heavy meals before sleep– there is this misconstrued notion that by eating heavy meals right before sleep, one will be able to enjoy some deep sleep. Well to some extent it’s true because with an empty stomach then you won’t be able to get any sleep. The problem, however, with eating large meals before sleep is that you risk Acid reflux, indigestion, and heartburn.
So when you get to bed right after consuming a heavy or spicy meal, the horizontal sleeping position encourages the movement of acid from the stomach to the esophagus, which then causes acid reflux.
- Seek professional help –
The above methods when implemented will help you get some good sleep and even become productive and lead a healthy lifestyle. However, not every sleep disorder can be remedied by the do it yourself options, because some are underlying medical conditions that need professional evaluation. Therefore, if you discover that none of the above is working and your sleep problems are persisting then it might be time to seek professional help.