Social anxiety disorder, characterized by overwhelming feelings of fear, embarrassment and self-consciousness in everyday social situations, such as parties or interactions with other people in public, can occur at any age. It’s most common in teenagers and young adults ages 14 to 24. Many people with a social anxiety disorder also have other mental health problems, including depression or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
There is help available to lessen these feelings. One such treatment is a natural anxiety medication for teenager. However, there are also methods that are very useful when used in conjunction with this.
Normalize Feelings of Anxiety
Social anxiety is a common mental health condition that most people experience at some point in their lives. It can be difficult for parents to watch their child struggle with this type of insecurity, but it’s important not to dismiss or minimize the feelings and fear they are experiencing.
It’s okay to tell your child that you understand and assure them that you love them unconditionally- even if they have social anxiety.
Teaching Coping Techniques
There is safe anxiety medication for children available, but you can also teach strategies to help them cope. One strategy to cope is deep breathing techniques. Deep breathing slows the heart rate, so when they feel nervous they can take a few deep breaths and calm down their bodies. One way to do this is by trying this simple exercise: close your eyes, put one hand on your chest and one hand on your belly, and breathe in deeply through your nose for three seconds. Breathe out slowly through your mouth for five seconds. Repeat as necessary until you feel better!
Other related techniques are useful too. These can include guided imagery and meditation. You can also teach them progressive muscle relaxation where they tense and relax their muscles to feel more grounded in their body. You must teach the child that the anxiety is not coming from the situation but from their thoughts about it. By doing this, they will be able to learn how to master their thoughts rather than allow them to master them.
Talking about your feelings can help you feel better. It’s important to remember that everyone feels embarrassed, scared, and nervous sometimes.
Preparing Them in Advance
Preparing your children before being in a new social setting may help. Let your child know that they are safe and that the other person is not allowed to touch them or hurt them in any way. Tell your child that it’s okay if they don’t want to talk and that it’s okay for them not to answer a question. Encourage your child to shake hands with the person. If your child doesn’t want to, have the person put their hand out so that your child can push against it gently.
There is no quick fix to social anxiety. It takes time, patience, and understanding. Use techniques that work best for you and your children to help them get through difficult situations. Also, try safe over-the-counter options in conjunction with these strategies. Brillia for children reviews may help you decide what’s best.